Main => The Round Table => Topic started by: Sir Brian on 2011-06-04, 12:53:39

Title: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-06-04, 12:53:39 (

For those of you unfamiliar with this ancient metaphorical story about a Scorpion and a Frog in which the Scorpion asks a frog to carry him across a river and the Frog naturally being dubious of the Scorpion’s poisoned stinger refuses but finally relents and agrees to carry the scorpion across the river after the Scorpion reassures the frog with the reasoning that should the scorpion sting the frog then the frog would sink and the scorpion would then drown therefore causing both of them to die. Yet when the frog had carried the scorpion halfway across the river the scorpion stings the frog and explains before they both die that he was only acting in accordance with his nature.

IMO we as adherents of the chivalric code have the duty and responsibility to always be watchful of the human scorpions of this world. Regrettably far too many frogs allow themselves to be cajoled into believing these scorpions time and time again thus allowing them to poison the very psyche of society until the scorpion’s twisted and narcissistic perspective becomes the accepted norm. We should be as vigilant turtles that happen to be in the vicinity whenever a scorpion attempts to cajole a frog for conveyance and intercede on the frog’s behalf to ensure the scorpion understands that we turtles will not allow the scorpion to proliferate so easily and they risk suffering our wrath whenever they succumb to the temptation of following their ‘natural’ inclinations…OR we could simply draw steel and expeditiously dispatch them…allegorically speaking of course!  ;)
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2011-06-04, 13:10:02
Agreed!  The scorpions should beware of our nature!
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-06-04, 13:11:31
i think i would have to have killed me a turtle and used his shell to carry the scorpion first.
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-06-04, 16:02:06
The version I usually hear has the scorpion stinging the frog as they reach the other side, so that the scorpion doesn't die (and presumably free to continue tricking and killing more frogs). The main theme being "You knew what I was when you took me". It's very similar to the story of the rattlesnake, as (re)told by Iron Eyes Cody:

Both are said to be allegorical to drugs and/or alcohol as well; the victim feels "safe" after reassurance of the snake/scorpion that "it won't hurt me", and the "you knew what I was" when bad things happen.
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-06-04, 19:53:02

Yeah, I've always heard it as happening half-way, so they both die. It makes a statement about how sometimes one's nature is self destructive, and not just purely self-serving. But both stories have essentially the same lesson- beware of smooth-talking scorpions!
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-06-04, 20:44:38
Both are said to be allegorical to drugs and/or alcohol as well; the victim feels "safe" after reassurance of the snake/scorpion that "it won't hurt me", and the "you knew what I was" when bad things happen.

IMO we as adherents of the chivalric code have the duty and responsibility to always be watchful of the human scorpions of this world. Regrettably far too many frogs allow themselves to be cajoled into believing these scorpions time and time again thus allowing them to poison the very psyche of society until the scorpion’s twisted and narcissistic perspective becomes the accepted norm. We should be as vigilant turtles that happen to be in the vicinity whenever a scorpion attempts to cajole a frog for conveyance and intercede on the frog’s behalf to ensure the scorpion understands that we turtles will not allow the scorpion to proliferate so easily and they risk suffering our wrath whenever they succumb to the temptation of following their ‘natural’ inclinations…OR we could simply draw steel and expeditiously dispatch them…allegorically speaking of course!

I couldn't agree much more!  This tale is a lesson in being cautious and vigilant against smooth talking back stabbers.  The saying "be gentle as a dove but wise as a serpent" is relative to this lesson.  I also agree on bringing a turtle shell called Chivalry first before carrying the scorpions!
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2011-06-06, 13:00:54
These stories are as old as the hills, and there's a good reason for it.  Basic human nature hasn't changed in a millennium and we need cautionary tales to remind us of that fact even in our "modern" world.

A modern version might sound like "Several hard working employees are recruited by a poisonous boss for a difficult project.  After carrying the boss through the worst of the project, and within sight of the goal, the boss terminates the employees.  The boss is able to leap to safety from the backs of the drowning employees and reap the rewards."  Just saying...
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir William on 2011-06-06, 13:38:12
I believe you're correct, Sir Rodney, the golden parachute phenomenon is a modern-day equivalent to the scorpion and frog story, if only because a CEO's true nature is thus revealed.

I say kill the scorpion before he speaks!
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Brian on 2011-06-06, 17:58:50
These stories are as old as the hills, and there's a good reason for it.  Basic human nature hasn't changed in a millennium and we need cautionary tales to remind us of that fact even in our "modern" world.

A modern version might sound like "Several hard working employees are recruited by a poisonous boss for a difficult project.  After carrying the boss through the worst of the project, and within sight of the goal, the boss terminates the employees.  The boss is able to leap to safety from the backs of the drowning employees and reap the rewards."  Just saying...

Precisely Rodney! That is an excellent and most poignant modern interpretation in these harsh economic times!
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Patrick on 2011-06-07, 00:53:32
the golden parachute phenomenon is a modern-day equivalent to the scorpion and frog story
Hey, I've been that frog!
Title: Re: The Scorpion and the Frog.
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-06-07, 13:25:36
kinda sounds like a Heart song... no wait that was dog and a butterfly hehhee