Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-27, 01:37:23
I am gonna need a squire to put on my armor, thank god I have friends who like to come with me to ren faires, they can be my squires. Can only imagine how difficult it is to put on plate by yourself.
Yes, it can be a huge pain with the pointers and plates that are impossible to put on.
I have been reading this thread and am missing 14th Century armor. I remember when I was planning my 14th Century Kit, I had to decide either plate or Coat of Plates.
But now, i will admit that the 14th Century Virus once infected me, and is now coming bakc to haunt and iiritate me to change the full harness from 15th Century Italian now to 14th Century Spanish (the Castilian Civil War during the the Hundred Years War)!
I was planning to wear a 14th Century harness until I found out that it wouldn't work (for the knight for hire service) but I would buy one for other purposes.
What aspect of the 14th century harness isn't to your liking? The 14th had a wide range and represented the evolution from all-mail to mostly-plate.
I second Sir Edward's question about the 14th Cent and what you think doesn't fit. While Gothic is among the most decorative and generally accepted as most elegant, it is also among the most expensive.
I second Sir Edward's question about the 14th Cent and what you think doesn't fit. While Gothic is among the most decorative and generally accepted as most elegant, it is also among the most expensive.
* the cuirass may require assistance on either one, but both are often single chest/back units without faulds or tassets (esp early-mid 14th),
* the arm harness would be pointed to the arming clothes on both,
* the 14th C gorget / bevor are often similar in strapping,
* the upper legs would be pointed to arming clothes the same,
* the greaves & sabatons are the same,
* gauntlets are of course easy either way
Now these are coming back to haunt and pressure me into going back to awesome 14th Century Armor lol!
But this time with done research and careful considerations, I know exactly where to look for a good full Harness.
It is this one (
(KA 6.2)
For the Full Kit: Merc Tailor's with the helmet from Armor and Castings (Klappvisor Helmet)
Here is the basic idea ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
I will go to Wasson, he does have awesome 1380's Armor and an Agincourt Full Harness which looks amazing! ( (
What are your ideas, criticism and suggestion brethren?
Something I forgot!
The Full Harness I originally intended was for Middle to Late 14th Century up to early 15th Century.
I apologize for the apparent confusion.
It is this one
this is a late 15th century kit not 14th at all
armour and castings isnt taking commissions at this point. if you are sticking with Merc Tailor thats great. but some of your pieces are all over the place for 14thc
i would get a KOA GDFB version.
spaulders: simple and nice.
Besegues: or
vambracers: or or w/ rondel elbows
guantlets: or
legs: (solid upper)
greaves: or
now you need a mail aventail and hauberk as well.
and this is why it is good to armour up with a good page! or other knights around you.
ugg what a pain in the butt it was at the "Steed" last year at MDRF. both putting it on and taking it off. my princess didn't know what to do nor was strong enough to help.. ehehehe
Hey no complaints from you good Sir! You at least HAVE a page waiting in the wings! Whereas I on the other hand do not even have a page in the workshop...I do think my daughter is going to make me wait until I'm nearly sixty! By that time I'll have to wear that "knitted" maille! :D
Sir Wolf: It id the second harness below the first on the page.
Also, thank you for the Merc Tailor recommendations as well, this is most helpful in creating a Full 14th Century Kit, I do have several of the items you have recommended me and will make certain adjustments. Still, much appreciated.
Sir Wolf: It id the second harness below the first on the page.
right this is not a 14thc kit which is what i thought you were talking about. this is a way late 15th with a sudo 14thc helmet.
He has an eye for what looks good though....and who is to say that you wouldn't have seen such a getup?
Darn it! The 15th Century still haunts me. Thanks you Sir Wolf.
Brethren: It is my intention to bring several ideas on what full kits or harnesses to choose and where to order from. However, I have created my persona as a Maximilian Knight. That is the reason I am looking for ideas for early or late 16th Century kits. There are few to no armories that make full 16th century harnesses.
Another thing is that I will ask my teachers at. SIGMA what kit style would be suitable. In addition, I will inquire Watson about the quote for the late 15th century italian harness.
I am only bringing these ideas so that I will invest my money into a well made kit or harness that is accurate and functional. It is better to make a careful investment than waste money on garbage.
That is an excellent way of looking at it.
Admin note: I split this topic out to its own thread since it's not part of the discussion of my kit.
That's one of the great things about historical armor. There's so much to choose from. :)
For your historical combat, you can work with pretty much any of the armor suggested so far, in terms of time period. Longsword was going out of style in the 16th, but was actively trained in the 15th. Otherwise I don't think it matters too much.
The 15th century armor can be a real eye-opener. In our class last night, we did some light bouting with just thrusts and pommel strikes, and trying to go for actual weaknesses in the armor. Tom Leoni commented that he was just amazed at how hard it was, since my armor had such great coverage. He could really only aim for my palms.
So if you do any combat where the rules for target areas are "as worn", then 15th C armor with voiders, faulds, etc, will work really well. :)
Ah Yes, my business with your discussion is irrelevant. How rude of me to barge in. ><
I apologize for this and should have posted a new post instead. (lesson learned)
For your historical combat, you can work with pretty much any of the armor suggested so far, in terms of time period. Longsword was going out of style in the 16th, but was actively trained in the 15th. Otherwise I don't think it matters too much.
The 15th century armor can be a real eye-opener. In our class last night, we did some light bouting with just thrusts and pommel strikes, and trying to go for actual weaknesses in the armor. Tom Leoni commented that he was just amazed at how hard it was, since my armor had such great coverage. He could really only aim for my palms.
So if you do any combat where the rules for target areas are "as worn", then 15th C armor with voiders, faulds, etc, will work really well.
Thanks, I did see the facebook photo gallery. I really liked your Gothic Kit (which come to think of it, what you had was nearly what I wanted with my gothic kit prototype lol!)
It's very funny that 15th Century armor (both German and Italian) seem to like me, especially with the harness pic I posted.
I will make inquires as to which kit style would fit in my budget. I still am going for 15th Century Italian Full Harness or Full Kit.
Now that my time period is chosen, the problem of what style to choose from is what I'm currently facing.
Which one would look good? ( ( ( ( (
(KA 4.1) (
(Milanese Harness) (
In terms of a Full Kit, that I have experimented earlier and I do have a good idea
(just wanted to see what you Brethren think about it)
Helmet Options/Choices ( ( ( (
(AA 1.2) (
(BB 1.2 A) (
(Great Bascinet Helmet) ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Thread Update: I have just got back from SIGMA at Staten Island and this is the result.
I have checked up with my teachers and they said the is a good armory along with with a recommendation for Merc Tailor's.
Having thought about what would be good financially and hearing on one of my teachers being a 14th Century Harness person. And upon reflection of this thread, I have therefore decided to go with the 14th Century Harness look.
This time, the helmet will be a Visored Sugarloaf Helmet with the rest of the armor pieces 14th Century style.
In terms of other harnesses and kits, I will be switching back and forth between all steel and brigandine/COP, which settles the dilemma right there.
But never the less, I will follow Sir Wolf's Advice on the Merc Tailor prototype a nd later on I will post the rest of the Harnesses and Kit prototypes.
Cool, narrowing the choices down a bit will definitely help. I look forward to seeing what you end up with. :)
As do we all, Sir Joshua!
Can't wait to see the final decision. Sounds like you really have it together with your research.
Thank you Sir Jason!
During the past few weeks,I have been able to decide on what type of Kit to create. I am looking for a Chernburg style Kit from either Ice Falcon Armory or Anshelm Arms and Armor (although I am leaning towards Anshelm personally). But I am also conflicted about the earlier 1300's transitional style with the Coat of Plates.
My only question would be this: Would a Coat of Plates be appropriate for Early to Mid 1400's?
Here are some pictures that should make it easier.
I am comfortable with a Coat of Plates, my personal preference is the Chernburg Style.
Absolutely! Coats of plates were in use well before this, and continued to be used well into the 14th. The globose breastplate didn't start to become standard until closer to the second half of the century.
Good choice of style... but there's no such thing as a Chernburg style. ;) There original harness happens to be one of many that resides in the Churburg castle. I don't know why so many people keep saying Chernburg, let alone discuss a "Chernburg style".
Sir Edward: Thanks! Now this is helpful.
Also, Thank you Das Bill and I am aware that I am just generalizing the style of harness I am interested in creating. I really like that Brass Trimming Plates that are characteristic of 14th Century Harnesses. That is my main reason for looking at Anshelm Arms and Armor just for that. I love their armor pieces, though I wonder is it financially a better choice to order the pieces of the Kit or order the Full Harness once measurements are made?
(Hint: I got the idea from this Chivalric Gentleman!)
But if a Coat of Plates would be the better choice, I am perfectly fine with that!
Anshelm's Coat of Plates would the one I would go for.
Christian's harness in that photo is definitely leaning into the second half of the 14th. He's missing the haubergeon, arms, and spaulders in the photo. But the hourglass gaunts, globose breastplate, and houndskull visor are all in the second half of the century.
That doesn't rule out a coat of plates of course, but the breastplate become more popular at that point.
Yep, I figured it was second half of 1400's. Oh well, it seems I will have to settle with Mid to Late 14th Century Plate.
But that good news is that I will be ordering the pieces from Anshelm Arms and Armor. If I am unable to, I will talk to Andre at Ice Falcon and see if he can make a similar suit (only with more historical accuracy than all of his other SCA pieces).
But that doesn't limit me to making an Early 14th century Kit with the Coat of Plates. Which I intend to start of with for now thanks to your advice along with Das Bill!
me likey!
Yep, I figured it was second half of 1400's. Oh well, it seems I will have to settle with Mid to Late 14th Century Plate.
But that good news is that I will be ordering the pieces from Anshelm Arms and Armor. If I am unable to, I will talk to Andre at Ice Falcon and see if he can make a similar suit (only with more historical accuracy than all of his other SCA pieces).
But that doesn't limit me to making an Early 14th century Kit with the Coat of Plates. Which I intend to start of with for now thanks to your advice along with Das Bill!
no no second half of 1400s is 1450s. remember 1400-1499 is 15th century. 1300 to 1399 is 14th century. a lot of the plate that we think of in the 14thc came into the 15thc in the beginning. say to 1415 era. then it drastically changes by 1450 into the full on white harnesses etc
Yep, 14th Century = 1300's
Also, Thank you Das Bill and I am aware that I am just generalizing the style of harness I am interested in creating.
It's not that you are generalizing, there is a suit of armor commonly referred to as the Churburg armor, and, as Bill said, it's in Churburg castle. What he's saying is that CHERNburg does not exist; it's CHURburg. You have it spelled wrong. ;)
Most people would know what you mean by Churburg armor - the standards being brass trim, a segmented breastplate, 3/4 arms and legs, and if gauntlets, hourglass cuff style. GDFB does some generic churburg style armor; the gauntlets pictured in my avatar are the GDFB churburg ones, but the rest of my kit is custom made.
econd half of 1400s is 1450s. remember 1400-1499 is 15th century. 1300 to 1399 is 14th century. a lot of the plate that we think of in the 14thc came into the 15thc in the beginning. say to 1415 era. then it drastically changes by 1450 into the full on white harnesses etc
I did make a mistake in my century timing. Please excuse my mistake and be rest assured that when I create the Early 14th Century Kit via Anshelm Arms and Armor (with their Coat of Plates) and the Mid to Late 14th Century (same pieces only with Brass Trimming) with just a Globose Breastplate from Anshelm. (which I figured would be be the better choice than getting the same pieces again only from Merc Tailor's, but if the Anshlm Kit goes beyond my budget, then I will get the pieces from Merc Tailors)
t's CHURburg. You have it spelled wrong. Wink
Ah Darn It! Now I will have to slay anyone who dares misspell the sacred word of Churburg!
ok this is a good start.
you need to start somewhere right?
go here and buy this:
now you have the foundation of that kit.
next look at the body both in breastplate and mail, then the arms, then the legs, then the head, then the hands, then the shins.
ok this is a good start.
you need to start somewhere right?
go here and buy this:
now you have the foundation of that kit.
next look at the body both in breastplate and mail, then the arms, then the legs, then the head, then the hands, then the shins. has it all in one. i would leave off the sabatons. but there you go, all 1 suit for a great price.
I have looked into that, but here is the problem. I read somewhere that the Harness doesn't fit and has bulky armor pieces namely the breastplate arms and cuisses. That is why I am looking at Anshelm, they have the pieces that I would need to create the Kit.
If the Anshelm Kit doesn't work, then I would ask Allan if he can make the pieces with the Brass Trimmings. Don't worry Sir Wolf, I have a plan, it just needs time.
If both vendors don't work, then I will go for the Kit you suggested Sir Wolf (gambeson recommendation included).
And I really need to find an answer/solution to this dilemma and be a Jolly, Happy Knight!
No wait a minute, there is an alternative! (
And the price is right! $0.00 ;)
And the price is right! $0.00 Wink
LOL! I don't think that is the actual price, if it is I am all for it! lol! No, the kit is quote priced.
Now I am really conflicted with these two, which one to choose: the Coat of Plates or the Globose Breastplate?
Or even this one from Wasson
Now I am really conflicted with these two, which one to choose: the Coat of Plates or the Globose Breastplate?
Buy them both, and wear whichever one you're in the mood for at the time. ;)
i would get the jolly knight or watson suits honestly. the GDFB was a quick and cheap way for you to get kitted up.
I'm in complete agreement with Sir Wolf, that GDFB kit is not as well put together as the others.
The hauberk/haubergeon is way to long to be without the center split. :-\
well to be honest i think the GDFB harness is on a short stand that is not to it's natural height. would be done for pictures. it doesn't look too bad in pictures, but real life can always be a shock ehheheh
Good thing I didn't go for the GDFB Kit. Instead, Jolly Knight's Churberg Kit is close to what I want in my 14th Century Kit anyway.
So the problem is now solved, now, just need to raise the money to purchase.
I thank everyone for your help and most valuable advice!
Yep. The Corazina is definitely sexier.
i would get the jolly knight or watson suits honestly. the GDFB was a quick and cheap way for you to get kitted up.
So you're saying they put it on a Dwarven armor stand? ;)
DOH! I see I referenced the wrong quote when I made this reply! I meant to reference this quote
well to be honest i think the GDFB harness is on a short stand that is not to it's natural height. would be done for pictures. it doesn't look too bad in pictures, but real life can always be a shock ehheheh
put it on a Dwarven armor stand? Wink
Sir Brain: I am thinking of making a height based armor stand, but dwarven? I don't think so.
Rauttskegg: What is the Corazina? (Is is the shirt that could be seen on the arms? Just curious.)
EDIT by Sir Brian
My mistake, I referenced the wrong quote from Sir Wolf when I inquired about the GDFB armor being on a Dwarven armor stand because of the exaggerated length of the haubergeon. There was no offense neither offered nor implied. ;)
the body armour inwhich this jolly fellow is wearing is a corraniza. it is a breast and back plate with faulds that are in sever different pieces.
OH! I see now, yep I like the Corazina! It is the Coat of Plates I love!
Or even this one from Wasson
I must admit I do like this one. You could get a really nicely fitted dupon to fit over this, whereas if I was wearing a lateC14 segmented breast plate I would be tempted to show off the steel and not wear my colours lol.
Or I could do something like this:
(bascinet) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
This is a recent idea in terms of jumping to Mid 14th Century with a new Helmet look.
Sir Brian: No problem at all! NO offense taken.
Or I could do something like this:
(bascinet) (
nice start. (
(mail) has it for cheaper. they are both back ordered from GDFB (
can't go wrong with these. (
i would get a move V shaped stop bib than the rounded one pictured. (
while i like these, and i think they work great, i think i would go with a more rondel (circular) shaped elbow fan. (
kewl kewl. (
these are great and on sale. while period in teh 14th century the upper cuise needs to be all one piece and not two pieces. but Sir Edward has these and they move nicely. i would ask for a smaller, shallower dished fan. I think Sir Brian had issues with the larger ones catching. (
probably the most missed part of a kit. these would look great on their own, or over mail.
now if i were you i would get cracking on some of this armour. Merc Tailor is in need so I would take him up on some of his sales like the legs and greaves. (the greaves have me itching cause of the great price!!!)
also don't forget your foundation garment. Revival has a nice gambeson or arming coat as does historic enterprises.