Main => The Armoury => Topic started by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-11, 20:49:35

Title: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-11, 20:49:35
OK, I am most grateful that you fellow brethren are generously helping me in designing my harness

the question is this, what sword should go with the harness?

Here are two swords from Forged in Time that I have my eyes on  ;D (

The English  Medieval Longsword

The Arbiter Longsword
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-05-11, 21:42:53
Between the two, I lean towards the Arbiter. It has "stronger" lines on the crossguard and pommel, which to me, fits more with the sharp lines of a gothic harness. The English Longsword looks more "italian" to me. I don't recall seeing anything about a specific style of sword being german or italian, so this is probably some sort of mental "this goes with that" my brain is doing....
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2011-05-11, 21:49:22
Can we see a pic of you in Kit again for reference?
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-05-12, 00:19:52
i like the second one out of those two. where are you getting them from? have you checked kult of athena for pricing?
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-12, 01:22:33
Sir James:  I think that you're right that swords never were called 'german' or 'italian' because the two shown types were used by both nations along with England, France, Finland, Spain and others.  On a personal note, I lean towards the first one (the English Medieval Longsword).  I like the design and I feel that is the kind of sword I should get.  But my intention was to see what you brethren thought about this.

RauttSkegg:  I don't have a kit yet, but a picture compilation of the kit prototype van be found here,1096.15.html (,1096.15.html)

check out the prototype for the German Gothic Placard/Brigandine design or the Italian Harness prototype

Sir Wolf:  The two swords shown here are not sold at Kult of Athena, but the pricing is not bad.  The Arbiter with a basic scabbard (plain leather scabbard) sells for $695.00, while the sword with a Deluxe Scabbard (scabbard with a wood core leather and leather chape) sells at $730.00 and the Sword with an Elite Scabbard (wood core and leather scabbard with a nickel chape) sells at $800.00.  The Sword by itself sells for $535.00.

The English Medieval Longsword (by itself) sells at $430.00, with a basic scabbard: $554.00, a Deluxe Scabbard: $625.00 and aqn Elite Scabbard: $695.00.

The Basic Scabbard sells with an extra cost of $124, a Deluxe Scabbard: $195 extra and the Elite: $265 extra.  The same extra cost also go for the Arbiter.

I like the Arbiter, but the English Medieval Longsword is just rockin' awesome goodness!  (one thing I would like to add is that the English Medieval Longsword is not based on a certain replica, but on a a style of longswords that were made in the 15th Century.  Hence both swords are 15th Century types.)
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2011-05-12, 02:08:31
For those prices you should also see Albion Swords and Therion Arms

What about these Joshua: ( (
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-12, 02:20:19
I have looked at Therion Arms and Albion, I think their swords are awesome but one tiny problem.

Some of the swords at Therion Arms are the reselling of current swords with displaced historical accuracy.

Albion on the other hand, not a bad selection of historically accurate swords.  But the styles are only con strained to the late 14th Century and early 15th Century.  I am looking for a sword that was made during the beginning, middle and end of the 15th Century.  I have looked the Earl, Regent and Talhoffer.

Also I am looking for a sword that closely resembles the Sword of Martin the Warrior (Redwall Novel Series) that look like this   


up close


I know that the Tinker Greats Sword of War is close, but I am no fan of War Swords.  My preference is longswords.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Thorsteinn on 2011-05-12, 03:02:08
And what about Arms & Armor (


I have handled the below and it makes me happy:
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-12, 03:25:07
I'll always recommend Albion and A&A first and foremost to everyone. But I understand that they're not the most affordable, and if you have something very specific in mind that they don't offer, then that's a limitation as well.

I haven't handled these swords in question, so I don't know how they feel, and I don't know how durable they are, or how accurate the blade geometry is. But in the photos they look great, and really, if they're at all made well, the prices aren't that terrible. The option to get a sword for under $800 with a leather-wrapped wood-core scabbard is wonderful. Albions start at that price and go up, excluding a scabbard that would have to be custom made.

The first sword, with the wheel pommel, certainly looks very nice. My longest running love-affair with swords is the wheel/disc pommel models like that. The combination of that sort of pommel and a straight crossguard is probably the most universal hilt design across medieval Europe. But the Arbiter certainly looks like it would be quite dashing strapped on over gothic armor.

Again, it all boils down to what makes you happy, of course. :)
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-12, 11:25:57
RauttSkegg:  I have looked at A&A and they do have impressive replicas.

But Like I said, War Swords are not my type of swords.  Sorry

Sir Edward: You make a good point and that is the reason why I picked Forged in Time.  I like their prices and the fact the swords do come with scabbards.

Now to hope of relieving everyone. I will be purchasing both swords from Forged in Time.  Along with a third sword, The Vindicator


I thank you all for your advice on going with the Arbiter for the Gothic Harness.  I itned to use the English Medieval Longsword for my service as a Knight For Hire, the Arbiter for Ren Faires and the Vindicator for HEMA

Hence all three swords are on my list!



Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Rodney on 2011-05-12, 12:36:05
Quote from: Joshua Santana
Now to hope of relieving everyone. I will be purchasing both swords from Forged in Time.  Along with a third sword, The Vindicator.

Ah yes, the Sir Wolf method of shopping.  Very wise. ;)
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir James A on 2011-05-12, 12:46:55
I will be purchasing both swords from Forged in Time.  Along with a third sword, The Vindicator

Awesome. :D
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-05-12, 13:11:51
muhahahah ehhehehe

also check into Del Tin swords. they cover a lot of time periods.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-12, 13:32:56
Quote from: Joshua Santana
Now to hope of relieving everyone. I will be purchasing both swords from Forged in Time.  Along with a third sword, The Vindicator.

Ah yes, the Sir Wolf method of shopping.  Very wise. ;)

Hahah, indeed. That's usually what I recommend to people with a very tough choice as well. "Get both"
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-12, 15:52:55
I can't view these so I don't know what you're looking at but I'm intrigued and will be checking this site out later on...tonight perhaps.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Das Bill on 2011-05-12, 18:00:28
I'm going to have to strongly disagree with everyone about that second sword. That looks like a sword built by someone who took various elements of historical swords and slapped them together without know how their supposed to relate to each other. The pommel is disproportionate, the grip is too bulky, and the guard looks like it was copied from the Lord of the Rings prop swords.

In fact, if you're looking for a sword that matches a gothic harness, none of those are really quite right. The blades could be considered correct, but the hilt furniture is sort of based on earlier period swords. Now, that doesn't mean they aren't good swords (I have never used them myself). They could be quite good for all I know, and maybe they're worthwhile purchases. But if your criteria is something from the late 15th century, you should look into Records of the Medieval sword (or look at the Oakeshott articles on myArmoury for the abbreviated information) and get a feel for what types of crosses, pommels and blades go together. There are a lot of good choices already out there, and I'd hate for you to spend a lot of money before you realized it isn't what you wanted! :)
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-12, 20:57:18
Das Bill:  Thanks for the warning!  I might be changing my style from German Gothic to Italian Style (15th Century), in that case the other two swords to me would semi qualify but I will do my research.   
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-12, 21:42:42
Wait a minute, I know a couple of swords that would work fine with a 15th Century Italian Style Harness

Albion's Sempach

A&A English Longsword

Cold Steel's Italian Longsword

Therion Arms Mercenary Longsword

Lets see if any of these familiar swords should help.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-13, 03:22:10
Since Bill turned the discussion back toward historical accuracy, that does raise a good question-- How important to you is historical accuracy? Are you aiming for closer to 100% correct (as much as is humanly possible anyway) like a Living History group would do? Or more of a "medieval look" that would be good enough for the average person to be able to point at it and say "that's a knight", without being all that accurate? Somewhere in between?

Of course cost, availability, fit, and style preference all have to factor in, but I think this is a good question by itself that will help with both the sword and the armor.

I think a lot of us have gotten used to chiming in on aesthetics and not dwelling on the accuracy. So it's good to know what you're looking for. :)
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Das Bill on 2011-05-13, 04:20:33
Das Bill:  Thanks for the warning!  I might be changing my style from German Gothic to Italian Style (15th Century), in that case the other two swords to me would semi qualify but I will do my research.   

The other ones look more 14th century to me, though they are generic enough that you could sort of make them fit.

The Albion Sempach and the A&A English longsword (which is actually more German than English) would be perfect for what you're after, and they happen to both be amazing swords (I've used both extensively). The Cold Steel Italian longsword looks a little weird to me... again, it looks like they threw together parts that individually were inspired by historical pieces but otherwise don't really belong together, and I haven't been happy with any of Cold Steel's swords so far. (They seem to care more about how many phone books they can stab through than how well the sword functions as a sword.) The Mercenary's Longsword is the current version of the old CAS Iberia model... back in the day they were clunky, but I don't know what they're like these days. It has some clear historical inaccuracies (the ferrules at the grip look very modern, the guard and grip look very bulky, the way the blade terminates into the guard looks very modern), but it's inexpensive and reasonably looks the part, so it might be okay, depending on how important that is to you. I can't say what the quality is like.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-13, 13:42:54
Das Bill:  Thank you so much!  I'm hugely inclined to go with the Sempach as well as the English Medieval Longsword by Forged in Time.  But then again, I am more inclined to go with the Ouse River Longsword offered by Kult of Athena


Sir Edward: In terms of historical accuracy, I'm looking for a sword that is accurate enough so that the living historians won't have to bug me about an inaccurate sword. 

So it's good to know what you're looking for

Yep, that is true.  That is the reason for this post, not only to get my ideas out, but also to have you guys along with Das Bill to help me make the better choice.  The same thing also applies to my harness, I am looking for the better choice in terms of historical accuracy without having to make a big mistake.  Thanks everyone!
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-13, 14:39:36
The Ouse River Longsword is a MRL such you can expect it to be decidedly lower in quality, fit and finish than the other swords you mentioned, namely anything offered by Albion, A&A, Atrim, VA/Atrim, Hanwei/Tinker, etc etc.  It would be at the lower end of that totem pole, if that is important to you.

I only mention it because...well, it bears mentioning.  Your kit will be of a higher quality, I think the sword should match.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-13, 15:20:50
On that point you're right, oh well, Albion Sempach it is!
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-13, 15:31:39
An excellent choice...
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-13, 20:25:15
Better yet!

Why not a combination of this


and this!

Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Ulrich on 2011-05-13, 21:51:46
Good choice of a sword, your kit will be expensive indeed but I will look forward to seeing it.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Das Bill on 2011-05-14, 00:37:50
The Ouse River Longsword is a MRL such you can expect it to be decidedly lower in quality, fit and finish than the other swords you mentioned, namely anything offered by Albion, A&A, Atrim, VA/Atrim, Hanwei/Tinker, etc etc.  It would be at the lower end of that totem pole, if that is important to you.

While you're right that it is on the lower end, MRL offerings are better than a lot of other things I see out there. It's not really any lower than Hanwei/Tinker (and in fact, MRL tends to look a little better). But if passing living history specs is what you're after (and it will depend on which living history group's criteria), I'd say the only production swords in that list that come close are A&A and Albion. It isn't just the quality of the materials, but it's also the careful attention to the subtle things that make them so much like the antiques they're based off of. The other companies can make good swords, but they definitely lack a certain character that makes them feel like the real deal.

The more antiques I've handled, the more I've come to appreciate A&A and Albion.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-14, 01:27:30
The more antiques I've handled, the more I've come to appreciate A&A and Albion.

It may seem that I have fallen into the Albion/A&A Trap! (LOL!)  With no hope of ever returning! hehehehehehehe!
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-15, 20:38:36
Quick question, what about these swords for a nice set?











Any thoughts, comments or words of caution?
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-17, 16:29:51
Why can't I see any of those swords you've posted?  Odd.

Bill, thanks for the clarification.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-17, 18:12:57
Why can't I see any of those swords you've posted?  Odd.

They're being hot-linked from KOA. Are they blocked from where you are?
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-05-17, 18:46:08
i am betting they are. which is weird. if he can see the archive but can't see myarmoury. but be something in the labeling of the websites that is being blocked by his work filters.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-17, 18:56:29
I think that's it, fellows- KoA's blocked.  The algorithms they use for blocking sites don't always make sense...I mean, they're still doing it based on certain words for goodness' sake!  Ah well, I'll just have to take a look from home...

Never enough time to do everything.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-19, 00:00:13
Darn it!  KoA images are sure a pain in the central nervous system in terms of finicky filters!

Oh well, I might have to restart and come up with a new set of swords that won't be blocked by filters soon.

Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-20, 20:00:54
Ok, let's try this again shall we?

Italian Harness Sword Set













German Harness Sword Set (If I ever change to German Gothic)














This should do it.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-20, 20:57:30

That's a lot of swords. Are you going to get them all? :) Looks like a great selection, for sure.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-20, 22:40:05
No Sir Edward I do not have the monies to make this a reality.  But I am seeking to purchase about six to four swords at least.

The purpose of this collection is for you and the brethren to critique which swords would be perfect for a gothic harness or an italian harness. 

And please don't mention only one sword, please.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Wolf on 2011-05-21, 05:28:30 this has always been one of my favorite swords ever. and this is a nice runner up to it form A&A and from Del Tin. you may have to hit enter after you link these pages. i had to "reload" them as well
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Das Bill on 2011-05-22, 17:10:29
I've just come back from Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria studying period orginals (including getting to handle dozens of pieces at the Veste Coburg that are currently not on display), so I'm still on a bit of a sword high. :) Many of the examples you've picked out are excellent, but some are very much better than others. I'll give you some brief feedback, though you may want to look at the reviews on myArmoury. I and others have written reviews on some of these particular swords, including with better photos than the ones provided by the manufacturers.

Very good choice. Fits the bill, is a bit more affordable than some of the other option, and handles and functions quite well. Can work for a German harness as well.

Fantastic sword. One of my favorites in terms of handling, and an incredible representative sword for its type. Can work for a German harness as well.

One of my favorites in terms of aesthetics. It handles incredible well, but note that it is somewhat of a beast (in a good way). If you want a light lively sword, this isn't it. That said, I love the handling characteristics of it. Personally, I think this fits a gothic harness more than a Milanese one, but you could still get away with it either way.

A *wonderful* example of the types of swords seen so often in the 15th century fencing treatises. You can't go wrong with this. Usable in a German harness as well.

Another winner. It's more of a single hander that can be gripped with two hands than te other way around.

And here I'm just starting to repeat more of what I've said above. :)

One of the nicest examples out there, particularly because it is so close to the original sword, down to the milimeter. Despite the name, the original may actually be German (it's named after where it is located now)

This one is a very nice example of a no-frills sword that could have been used by an Italian mercenary or a prince. The pics don't do this sword justice, as it has a lot of subtlety to it's character, and really captures the handling of a lot of antiques.

Not bad for a less expensive sword. The grip is a bit bulky, and the fittings, when seen up close, lack an organic feel. It clearly looks modern made compared to the previous ones you've linked to, but is still a good sword. However, it is also a little bit earlier period for some of the harnesses you've been looking at.


See above.


Functional, but doesn't look like a historical sword at all. Very, very modern looking.


Slightly better aesthetically than the one above, but not by much. Also slightly earlier than what you're going after.

To be continued in next post...
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Das Bill on 2011-05-22, 17:35:14
...and now moving onto your German choices...

Beautiful, beautiful choice. Be aware that it has a lot more blade presence than what a lot of people like, though I personally love it. A lot of originals have that same kind of blade presence.

Fantastic sword, and a wonderful counterpart to the Sempach you linked to above (they both use the exact same blade). I personally like the looks of this one more than the Sempach, but slightly prefer the handling of the Sempach.

A sweet, sweet sword, and one of my favorites in terms of handling. If you're a fan of holding the sword by the pommel, this one in particular is quite comfortable.

One of the pinnacles of modern swords based on the Gothic design. This sword, to me, really represents power and grace wrapped up into one: The swords is a heavier one (in a good way), and hits will serious authority, but balances so well that it is easy to move.

One of my favorites. This is surprisingly one of the heaviest swords on the market, and despite it's weight it flows beautifully. It goes to show you that there is so much more to making a good sword than simply the weight. Most people don't believe it's over four pounds, because it handles like a weapon half of it's weight. It's a little later in period than what you're after, but I say buy it anyway. :) You'll be happy with it!

This is a beautiful one hander that happens to be long enough for two hands. Despite the fact that they say "English" in the title, it is a German sword. (Like the Brescia, it is named after where it currently rests)

The classic 15th c. German design, and a sword that is really representative of so many antique longswords. It is neither a heavy nor light weapon, and it works well one handed or two.
It's one of those all-around-good types of swords.

NO! Run far away. Darksword armoury not only has very spotty quality control, but some of the most unscrupulous practices in the sword world. They steal designs constantly, they make outrageous claims, and they've even been very rude to people publically.  Plus, I hear that particular sword is a boat anchor.


See above. And this particular one looks like it is hob-cobbled together out of spare parts from other swords that don't belong together.

You probably won't like this one. It has a very far forward point of balance that doesn't appeal to most modern people, though to be honest it isn't totally out of the question for historical examples. Aesthetically it is only okay, historically speaking.


This one isn't too shabby for the price. It's a reasonable likeness of the original on which it is based (with some obvious corner-cutting to keep the price within range), and it handles pretty well. Most people really hate the large pommel, but that's actually historical.


I've never handled this one, but aesthetically it definitely doesn't work. It is another case of a sword designed by people who haven't really studied period originals, so it looks like they took a bunch of elements that don't go together and smacked them into one sword.


I haven't handled this one. Aesthetically it's okay. It's quite attractive, but the elements aren't really quite right together. It's another case of elements being put together that don't quite go together, though it is probably close enough not to matter to most people. The scabbard is a little bulky, but it's actually pretty wonderful for the price range.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-22, 18:12:19
You probably won't like this one. It has a very far forward point of balance that doesn't appeal to most modern people, though to be honest it isn't totally out of the question for historical examples. Aesthetically it is only okay, historically speaking.

I'll add a few comments on this one. I agree with what Bill is saying about it with regards to the current model. But I'll also add that it's really not bad for the price, since it's a relatively inexpensive sword (especially if you can get it at a significant discount like I did). The blade, while a little thick and not very sharp, has a really good combination of flex and stiffness. I've bent mine over by 90 degrees and had it spring true. I'm not brave enough to try that with my more expensive swords. And despite that flexibility, it's not whippy.

I have the older model (I'm going to sell it or something soon). In the older model, the balance point is about 9" from the guard. It's closer to 5" on the newer models. Also the older model had a hollow pommel, which not only contributed to the poor balance, but also was a weak point, and the peen would often break. This was also fixed in the newer model.

However if you just want it for looks, I'd be happy to sell you mine. :)
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Das Bill on 2011-05-22, 21:40:51
It's closer to 5" on the newer models. Also the older model had a hollow pommel, which not only contributed to the poor balance, but also was a weak point, and the peen would often break. This was also fixed in the newer model.

Ah, I wasn't aware they'd updated it. That's good to hear.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-23, 00:17:07
Das Bill & Sir Edward:  I thank you for your input into these blades.

I have agreed to a Full Late 15th Century Italian Harness and hence (with the monies) order the following:









How would this do for an awesome set!
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-23, 15:58:52
I'll echo Bill's commentary regarding DSA swords...they look nice from a distance.  I had one of their earlier Ranger over 5lbs it looked and handled like you'd expect- maybe not necessarily a boat anchor, but a clunky piece of overbuilt steel designed for repeated bashing.  It was tough and ugly...considering what you're spending on the harness, pretty much any DSA you could choose would not be a welcome addition.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-24, 13:42:41
Sir William: I thank you for your input into the DSA warning, most helpful.

The new sword set is the one I previously posted in order to make myself a list of what swords to order as well to show that I have listened to the counsel of my elder brethren and the invaluable advice from Das Bill.

I have chosen what Sword to be first "The Lion Blade," it is Albion's Landgraf!

Now for those who don't know about this nomination, Since I have penned the title "Knight of The Lion Blade" from my Coat of Arms which will be posted in the heraldry thread, I have thought as to which sword would best symbolize my title.  After looking hard at many different models, I deem the Landgraf to be the better choice for my service as a Knight For Hire (all thanks to Das Bill!).  For the Renaissance Fair version of "The Lion Blade": Albion's Fiore, for HEMA Studies: Albion's Sempach.  For the Quest (personal): Albion's Squire Line Late 15th Century Bastard Sword.

This may seem either crazy/insane or weird but along the way, I have come to realize that "The Lion Blade" would end up being a couple of swords that would best symbolize my penned title.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-24, 15:19:26

Very cool. The Albion Landgraf is one of my personal favorites. It was a wonderful blend of blade presence, maneuverability, and strength for both the cut and thrust. When I pick it up, it just feels like it wants to be used. Plus it has some tasteful artistic embellishments that don't go overboard. I'm glad I had DBK do the scabbard for this one.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-25, 20:43:33
I have looked at the DBK website and I can say that the scabbards are just gorgeous!

I can see there is a (hint, hint) recommendation of DBK.  Well I was intending on getting my Landgraf Scabbard from Christian Fletcher, but after looking at DBK, I think I know which one has the better price!

Thank you Sir Edward!
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-25, 20:49:19

Yeah, I like Christian Fletcher's work too. I have a few from him as well. My DBK scabbards have cost a little more, but are also a little nicer too. It's one of those "you get what you pay for" things. So I'm happy with both for the prices paid.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-26, 14:20:17
I've not yet held any of Christian's work but I can speak for DBK...his work IS art.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-05-26, 14:42:22
I've not yet held any of Christian's work but I can speak for DBK...his work IS art.

If you'd like I can bring one or two of his pieces with me next week. I can show them to you in the parking lot. I'm probably going to have a DBK scabbard on for the knightings. I want to get some good pictures of it while in kit, especially since he asked me to send him a few photos with the armor.

I'm just going to ask people to grab my camera and get a bunch of shots of me.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-05-26, 16:02:20
Sounds good to me, Sir Edward, I'd like to get a firsthand look at them.  CF's an artist as well, I've ogled his wares over the years...

I'm going to do as you...because I promised Brian shots of me in armor as well so that'll be the one I bring.  I think I'll be a Templar for this event.

I'm going to bring the other sword too...just so you all can see Slayer's work up close if you feel like it.  I really wanted a new shield but I think I'll just get my current one restrapped (the guige) - I don't like having the two different colors, it was good for a quick fix but I really want it more uniform and I'd like a wider strap for the shoulder.
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-05-27, 20:08:32
I do like DBK, however I like the prices that Fletcher offers with his scabbards.  That is why I will be ordering my Albions from him!
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Joshua Santana on 2011-06-01, 13:48:11
Thread Update:  Since i have decided to go with a 14th Century Harness or Kit.  I have also decided to order from Christian Fletcher the Albion Crecy.  Another "Jack of all Trades" thanks to Sir Edward's review on his personal site!
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir Edward on 2011-06-01, 14:07:09
Thread Update:  Since i have decided to go with a 14th Century Harness or Kit.  I have also decided to order from Christian Fletcher the Albion Crecy.  Another "Jack of all Trades" thanks to Sir Edward's review on his personal site!

Yep, it's a really good all-around sword. It cuts pretty well too, if you plan to do any test-cutting. It's a fantastic choice as a first Albion. :)
Title: Re: Ok, now I need with what sword to go with My Harness! :'(
Post by: Sir William on 2011-06-01, 14:46:21
Ah the Crecy...I missed out on one about a year ago, killer price- I was torn.  Looked like a good sword but what Albion isn't, right?