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Knightly codes of virtue

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Joshua Santana:
Thank you sir Edward for the explanation which I left out due to time constraints.

And I do agree with you that that succinctness is a draw in which people can aspire or be inspired to follow. 

Sir James A:
Dragonheart's Olde Code is by far one of my favorites! In the movie, it's just the middle stanza.

An abbreviated version of what the West Kingdom Knighting ceremony is.

King: Will you now give Us your word that you will henceforth
comport yourself as befits a Peer of Our Realm, as you
most surely have until now, and that you will attempt in
all your endeavors to be a noble example to Our people?

Candidate: I will.

King & Queen:
Will you promise further to treat all with Courtesy, and to
uphold the Laws and traditions of Our Kingdom?

Candidate: I will.

King: On what sword do you wish to swear fealty?
(The Candidate shall reply, and this sword shall be presented, hilt foremost, to
the King. The King shall take it and lay it across his upraised palms.)

King: Place your hands upon Our own.

Herald: To your Liege and before your peers, repeat after me:
Here do I swear
by mouth and hand
fealty and service
to the Crown and Kingdom of the West
to speak and to be silent
to come and to go
to strike and to spare
to do and to let be
in such matters as concern the Kingdom
on my honor
and the lawful commands of the Crown
in need or in plenty
in peace or in war
in living or in dying
from this hour henceforth
until the King depart from His Throne
or death take me
or the world end
so say I,____ .

King: And this do We hear,
nor fail to remember,
and We for Our part do swear fealty to you,
to protect and defend you
and all your household,
with all Our power,
until We depart from Our Throne,
or death take Us,
or the world end.
So say We,____ , King of the West.

Queen: So also say We,____ , Queen of the West.

King: By what sword do you wish to be Knighted?

King: By what name do you wish to be Knighted?

King: By what sword do you wish to be Knighted?

King: Bow your head.
(The new Knight shall bow his head.)

King: Know, now that you are made a Knight,
that you must aid the defenseless,
seek justice for those of every station,
and maintain the honor of Knighthood.
Let this blow remind you that Knighthood
shall bring you pain as well as honor.

(The King shall deliver a light, symbolic slap to the cheek
of the new Knight.)

King: Rise, Sir____.

West Kingdom Order of chivalry.

Who likes the Old Code too.

Joshua Santana:
How about this?,



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