Main > The Round Table

Breaking swords in degradation ceremony

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Sir Edward:
One of the last public degradation ceremonies for a knight was Sir Francis Mitchell:

"Mitchell's degradation at Westminster Hall  took the form of his spurs being broken and thrown away, his belt cut and his sword broken over his head. Finally, he was pronounced to be 'no longer a Knight but Knave'. After the ceremony, he was made to march through the streets to the Tower of London where he was imprisoned. Mompesson was also sentenced to degradation but fled to France to avoid punishment."

Even with a sword being scored in advance (which I don't know whether that was done here or not), having the sword broken over your head still has to hurt. Wow.

Sir William:
I'd imagine it wasn't done lovingly, no.  Wonder how rigid his sword was...or maybe they bent it over his head until it snapped or took a set?  Broken could simply mean unusable...

Sir James A:
Ouch! I can't imagine it being remotely pleasant while wearing a helmet, and certainly not with the I assume bare head.

Sir William:
Well, judging by the time frame, he could've had a fairly rigid sword, like a tuck, which would've been easier to break over one's head than a say, Type Xa for arguments' sake.


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