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How NOT to be a Knight.

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Sir Ulrich:
Heh a few of my friends have aspergers or whatever and I myself was thought to have it but I've sorta grown out of it besides my pathological shyness which I think can be broken by meeting new people.

I like to come off as cold and uncaring to people who try to abuse me cause it makes me seem stronger as if nothing phases me. Usually if someone treats me with no respect I don't respect them back. I refuse to waste my time with such ingrates and whatnot. To me it isn't swooping down on their level, it's just following the golden rule, treat others as you wish to be treated, they wish to be treated like crap I will make sure they do. Most of the time however I don't tolerate abuse and I block people who disrespect me or ignore them because sometimes no response is better than giving one. I like to come off as cold and uncaring to people who try to abuse me cause it makes me seem stronger as if nothing phases me.

Sir Edward:

I found the thread on the HEMA Alliance forum. It looks like you were on topic the whole time. I don't see what this guy's problem is. People like that are often best ignored, IMHO.

And now.... I am fully confused. ??? ??? ???

This is what I shall consider an apology but what his meaning & intent are, well that I am at a loss about. I am also at a loss as how to respond well.



Sent at: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:03 am
From: Kevin Maurer
To: Sean Karp

What you consider as me challenging you to "duel" lol, is actually me offering my help. There is something missing in your interpretation of these arts.IMO You are confused, as you freely admit, so i was wishing I lived closer to be able to demonstrate what we are talking about. Nothing will ever be solved or answered by unadulterated violence. Nor would the results of a "duel" prove anything other than which fighter has more experience fighting. We came to that conclusion long ago.

Do you feel lorded over? Gee, I guess I AM sorry for that. Please forgive me. That was unintended. I just wish you understood the context of my earlier posts. The reason for the PM was to illuminate to you, something that perhaps you dont get about this "community" we have always welcomed all, but those who are welcomed are expected to show some restraint in their posts. Mutual respect is earned, not merely given to someone who claims fancy titles and funny made up names. Thats the difference, we are coming from different directions. What you perceive as insult, is meant as respect, and/or humor, which you already admonished me to include in my training. I will never be able to reach you on this subject, I can see that. Yet I was obligated to try.

The whole reason for contacting you in the first place, was motivated by the fact that this Forum, has declined in substance and content. It started out as a place for like minded individuals, many of whom I know personally. And now, it has degraded into childish banter back and forth about meaningless topics. So my consternation is not so much directed at you, as much as, it is directed at those who inadvertently undermine the serious study that some of us undertake. I figured that with your Post doctorate reading comprehension level, you would comprehend that, No? this Forum is not the Community, nor does it represent that. It is fractured and splintered, with many subscribing to varying levels of study. The freedoms that we all possess to banter back and forth is important here. If there are emotions and insults included than, I agree, that is a less than effective form of communication. But often used to hammer home a point. (Wrong approach I guess)

Kevin Maurer

PS I love that line about "Having my nose so high up in the Air, that I cant see the path",
That is an instant classic in my long history of verbally jousting with folks. Thank you again one thousand times. And Good luck in your endeavors. I have enjoyed our discussion, and imagine you to be a worthy adversary, unarmored of course!

Sir Wolf:
turn the other cheek dear brother, turn the other cheek. it is better to walk away and to have learned than to fill your heart with bitterness that will only hurt yourself. :)

Sir Edward:
Yeah, a back-handed apology doesn't really count as an apology, IMHO. This strikes me as being very similar to a little "argument" that occurred on one of my facebook threads not too long ago. Some people make instant value judgments against you for being in the SCA, or any other group that has titles or personas, or anything else that in their mind either "dilutes the art", or is some sort of "delusion". It's not possible to reach these people when they're dead-set in their interpretation of what you're doing, and insist on taking it upon themselves to explain to you why what you're doing is "wrong". It's best to just walk away, since you'd only be arguing against a brick wall.

You can only throw yourself against a rock so many times before you realize that the rock simply doesn't care.


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