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How NOT to be a Knight.

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Oh good lord, to you mean that fool that really felt in the christian spirit by cursing us out because we aren't poor as stink on the week before Christmas?

Sir William:
Ivan, I went back and read those posts and see no reason for his response to you; it seems he took all of the angst he's felt since the decline of his most holy ordered site and threw it in your lap.  When you didn't back down and knuckle your brow, he changed his speech as you noticed.  Reminds me of a story my old pastor from a church I attended in my youth once told us during a confirmation class about a mate of his in seminary school, an event he witnessed.  
Chuck, his buddy, had gotten into a verbal riff with another seminary student who had a habit of getting agressive to get a point across.  In seminary school, I know.  Anyhow, Chuck was just a quiet guy, nothing special, and this guy slapped Chuck clean across the face.  Chuck looked back at the guy and told him not to do it again.  The whole hallway had gone silent, everyone must've been holding their breath collectively.  

Well, he did it again, and Chuck dropped him with an overhand right.  

I asked my pastor what the moral of that story was, and his reply was this:  Christ says to turn the other cheek, but Chuck, well, he said he didn't have any more cheek to offer.  We can all aspire to live to a higher standard, but we are all still human; beware any attempts to force a suitable outcome or response, you may get more than you bargained for.

So far folks seem to think I'm on the right side of good on this or that I'm an evil curmudgeon, and one of the ones who thinks I have been a complete arsehole on the HEMA Alliance forum is a good friend too.



Sir William:
Everyone has an opinion and people are often swayed this way or that due to the perception of the mob; that is, only the ones truly strong in character would think of standing against the flow if their belief system called for it.  The majority of people will simply go along...this is plainly evident in megachurches, political rallies and any large gathering of people that a small group of individuals are looking to influence, one way or another.

That there is a difference of opinion should not be cause for a friendship to be abandoned, unless they never were really your friend to begin with, or the cause celebre such that it instantly polarizes one in either direction.  Those are often more difficult to navigate when friendship is also at stake.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-03-15, 15:25:35 ---Ivan, I went back and read those posts and see no reason for his response to you; it seems he took all of the angst he's felt since the decline of his most holy ordered site and threw it in your lap.  When you didn't back down and knuckle your brow, he changed his speech as you noticed.  Reminds me of a story my old pastor from a church I attended in my youth once told us during a confirmation class about a mate of his in seminary school, an event he witnessed. 
Chuck, his buddy, had gotten into a verbal riff with another seminary student who had a habit of getting agressive to get a point across.  In seminary school, I know.  Anyhow, Chuck was just a quiet guy, nothing special, and this guy slapped Chuck clean across the face.  Chuck looked back at the guy and told him not to do it again.  The whole hallway had gone silent, everyone must've been holding their breath collectively. 

Well, he did it again, and Chuck dropped him with an overhand right. 

I asked my pastor what the moral of that story was, and his reply was this:  Christ says to turn the other cheek, but Chuck, well, he said he didn't have any more cheek to offer.  We can all aspire to live to a higher standard, but we are all still human; beware any attempts to force a suitable outcome or response, you may get more than you bargained for.

--- End quote ---

That's a great story. It reminds me of the "kid beats up bully" video that has been circulating quickly lately ... and which, IMO, is totally awesome. Just drop "seminary" and replace "punch" with "body slam" and it's the same thing.

Ivan, his second message makes it clear, at least to me, only having seen what's posted here, what one of his large issues with you (and likely others) is - when he says "someone who claims fancy titles and funny made up names", it's a direct jab at the SCA, and it seems to offend him that you're in "his game" while in the SCA too. And for him to say stop smiling in a picture? Seriously? I bet if we had cameras 500 years ago, we'd see pictures of some of the doppelsoldners and landsknechts, toting around their massive swords, wearing puffy clothes, and grinning in absolute joy. Clearly, we can't have serious discussions when our avatar images are smiling. (:rolleyes:)

Regardless of whatever content was in the thread on HEMA alliance, he made a number of glaring mistakes in those 2 messages. I would simply ignore him and continue as you were.


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