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How NOT to be a Knight.

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I was sent the following message via PM by Kevin Maurer of Florida on the HEMA Alliance Forum:
Re: Striking in unarmed Medieval/renaissance MA

Sent at: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:23 pm
by Kevin Maurer
Subject: Striking in unarmed Medieval/renaissance MA

--- Quote ---Sean Karp wrote:Dunno if this helps, but it sure is funny-

    Guest password is: isabellae

    Story of that to be found here:
--- End quote ---

Would it help if i pointed out when you were having difficulty communicating with others? As in the Asperbergers syndrom that you claim? For surely you do not know that you potentially have subverted a technical conversation, based on Jay Vails'. many years of intensive study. It is insulting to read your posts, especially following one from Jay. Your interest does not authorize your impertinent replies.IMO (heres the part(s) where I insult you), I think the grin on your Photo answers our questions as to the level of your intent and sincerity. I wish I lived close to you. I would physically demonstrate what we have been laboring with for many years. And then I am positive you would have a greater understanding. I speak only for myself, when I say that i think less of you, for having ZERO control of your emotions. Begin there. Learn self discipline, and your "aspergers" will be a mute point. use the study of HEMA to rid yourself of such ineptitude, stop apologizing for having a disease, has anyone ever told you that is a weakness? Erschrickstu gern, kein fechten lern, und loß mit deiner schade selbst.
disrespectfully yours,
Kevin Maurer
PS you wouldnt believe the hate filled and curse laced paragraphs I wrote, then deleted here.
I must be getting old, you queer, wipe that grin off your face!!!!!

My Reply:

Calm down, see past the surface, and to the video that showed that a normal gauntleted punch could affect someone wearing a properly padded helm in a detrimental way.

Then seek to include Humor & a Light Heart in your studies, or you will trip upon your own Anger and fall. Trust me, I know.

After you have done so I ask only that you apologize to me and we call the issue resolved.

However, if that does not suffice, then I will gladly give you the surety to salve your wounded honor that you seek. All you have to do is call me out in public, come to Sparks, NV, and we will have the fight to submission that you wish. Know that I am no wilting flower, no easily impressed toady who will fall merely because you wish it. I am a man, and an honorable one. I walk the Path as best I can with my imperfect self, and my travels have given me many skills that I will use to prove your error upon your body.

Should you choose to not follow the above mentioned solutions then I call you Braggart, Coward, Fool, and a Dishonorable Snake. A child of big words and small..... follow-though.

With Honor,

-Sean Karp

Known in these current middle ages as Lord Ivan Ivanovitch Serebrenikov of the West Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

While I will not treat this incident with any great weight so if it goes no further tan it has then I am completely fine. I did appreciate the chance to try to write a well crafted reply to this insult though. The kind a knight might write.

Thoughts? Did I handle the situation Well or Poorly? Should I have acted different?


Sir Edward:
Without knowing the context or what led to that, it's hard to understand the circumstances. But just based on the what you quoted, it's always good to maintain the moral high ground by staying rational and not stooping to the other person's level, IMHO. It's far better to debate ideas than to sling insults.

To me it looks like he's being a total ass-hat to you.

What brought this on?

Yes, you are completely in the right. There is a reason this coward sent this message privately, where no one else could see it.
Furthermore, he is making a personal attack upon you, and a condition of which you have no part in the cause of. My little brother is Autistic, and if any were fool enough to insult him (especially on grounds of his autism) I would immediately respond by demanding a surrender, and if it's not received, proceed to wrench it out of their dishonorable gizzard!
Such is NOT the behavior of proper knights in any way, shape or form.   

Sir Rodney:

I took the time to read more than a dozen of your posts on that board.  None of them can be described as insulting, insincere or impertinent.  I would characterize them as inquisitive, on-point and sometimes humorous.  Obviously this gentleman holds Jay Vails in very high regard and you are not permitted to post after him. ;)

His immature response should give you a clue to his true nature.  I would not have offered him the right of combat as he did not earn it.

My best friend has Aspersers.  We've been friends literally from diapers to this day covering a span of 40 years.  To include this disability in his response is beyond comprehension.  I would not speak further with this individual as it will accomplish nothing.


@ Sir Edward: It is due to some kerfufle on the HEMA Alliance forum, and that his group is know for their bad attitudes (think Cobra Kai Dojo). He feels that I am insulting his Holy Order by breathing the same air as him and thinking my heathen SCA/EMA butt is good enough to post on 'his' forum. He is not the first person on that forum to act this way, but others have reached out & more than made up for the badness.

@Sir Nathan: Thanks for the thoughts. :) In my defense I am 6' 225lbs and fairly muscular, I fear not for my safety, not anymore.

@Rodney:Thank you. I concur on your conclusion both on the no more communication & on his worship of Jay Vail, but.....   I am also a Bard, and I had my "Bad Bard! No Biscuit!" moment when I got his reply, and wrote back.....

So in the spirit of honesty & openness I will post that as well if those here wish it.



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