Main > The Round Table

Which Knightly Virtue can stand alone?

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Sir Patrick:

--- Quote ---Without Honor, we are nothing, but with Honor we become more than what we are.
--- End quote ---

That has got to be the best summation of Honor I have ever heard.

I think courage can stand alone. Without courage, what would you do with strength? Would you be able to speak the truth, or display honor and courtesy, even in the face of adversity? Even if you possessed all other values, without the courage to put them to good use, I don't see the point.

Sir Michael:
Personally for me the knightly virtue that can stand alone has to be honesty.  You don't have to be physically strong to be honest, but with honesty you will always have honor.  That being said some people may not like to hear the honest truth, but the truth is the truth.


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