Main > The Armoury

Crap REALLY hard to find

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Sir Edward:

We rarely make gate/cannon. But we can try to push ourselves along a little more quickly when the desire strikes. :) I'd say don't count on my being there before 11, but we'll try to move with some speed in the morning if we can.

Sir William:
Since this one is relatively close to me, I may be the first onsite...of the Order I mean, not when they're setting up.  Maybe not...depends on how hard I party the Friday before.  I think I'd rather see it open than stay til closing...and I may be solo yet again so my arming choices may change to suit that.  Why couldn't they make it so you could dress yourself?

Don't answer, it was rhetorical and I know why...because they were too good to dress themselves.  LOL

Don't we have squires?  Is it part of their membership to assist us knights?  Just wondering.  :)

Sir Edward:

We need robot squires. So that you don't have to feed them. :)

Sir William:
If I fed him, he's my squire?  Where's Nathan?  lol

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-24, 20:52:42 ---Don't we have squires?  Is it part of their membership to assist us knights?  Just wondering.  :)

--- End quote ---

As a squire, knight, jester or otherwise - if you need help armoring up I'd be happy to give you a hand. It's the chivalrous thing to do, regardless of title.


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