Main > The Round Table

Fun with photoshop

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Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: madmanpsu on 2011-08-09, 00:53:06 ---Now that I got my really cool plate armor, I need to get some pics for this. I'm hoping my buff coat comes this week, then hopefully I can get some good pics this weekend.

--- End quote ---

ya u do

Sir Matthew:
Sir Edward, I added a couple pics to my Knight page, maybe you can do something with the one I am posing with the Headless Knight? It's one of the better pics I have. Hopefully my buff coat arrives this week and I can get a couple good pics of me in my new peascod breast and back.

Sir Ulrich:
Now that I got my maille, and am soon to get my period clothing I am gonna take more pics that you can have fun with. I will finally look like an actual knight and not some poorly equipped footsoldier/squire.

Sir Edward:

Sir William may appreciate this one. :)

Sir Brian:
Great job!  :)

Hey you know what I just realized?
That would look even better Sir William if Sir Edward had a picture of you without those bingo wings!,1412.0.html
– Mwaahahaha, relentless task masters we are on this forum! ;)


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