Main > The Round Table

Fun with photoshop

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-03-14, 19:01:55 ---Can you go the same with a picture of me?  I mean, with a hairline currently in strategic withdrawal? :D

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Hey, a tactical retreat is better than a complete loss. :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2011-03-14, 18:49:45 ---A photographer sent us copies of a few pictures that he had taken at Caldicot last year.
One of my favourites is where I`m sitting outside our tent, mentally preparing myself for the tourney.

I have plonked it on the bottom of my knight page for you to have a look.

Apparently there had been something in the forground that he had to photoshop out but I really can`t see the modification  ???


--- End quote ---

Nice. :) If I had to guess, I'd assume there was something in-frame in the lower-right that looked out of place, that would have been easy to cover over with more grass. But who knows, without seeing the original.

Sir William:
Great work, Sir Edward! 

Lord Gerard, that's a great shot...contemplating the next match.

Sir Edward:

Added mugs and bottles to the cafepress shop with a Modern Chivalry logo. :)

Sir William:
I have a question about the stainless bottle...the picture of it looks white, is that just flash, or the wrong picture for the product?  I want a mug, a bottle and a poster- but need to take a better pic for the poster.  :)


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