Main > The Round Table

Fun with photoshop

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Sir Edward:

Wow, yeah, getting the angles right would be hardest part of getting everyone to coordinate remotely to do a round-table picture. Everyone would need to get their protractors out and measure out the distance and angle of the chair, and camera height on a tripod, as well as the elevation angle of the camera. Tricky.

James Barker:
Or you could really get you picture taken at a historic site ;)

Me in my Norman gear at Battle Abby in England

Same gear at Bolton Abby:

You can also take images at a historic park like Sir Wolf and I did at James town:

Sir Edward:

Excellent. How are the weight restrictions on baggage on overseas flights? I hadn't considered flying with armor as a cost-effective alternative. :)

James Barker:
All depends on the airline, in 06 British air let us take 50 pounds each so maille, helmet, sword, and shield plus reenactment clothing came in just under 50 pounds ;)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, that's part of my problem. I don't pack light. I can hit 50 pounds just with my regular packing, without adding armor. :)


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