Main > The Armoury

oh no I've dont it again

(1/4) > >>

Sir Wolf:
take a look at the very bottom of my knights page.

Sir Edward:

If you're sorting by period, I wonder where that fits in. I mean, Star Wars is futuristic, and yet it's "a long time ago"... hmm... :)

Sir Wolf:
i dunno somewhere from 2101 (marines are created) to 2381 (end of resurrection) for the Marine. so is that before or after a long time ago?

Sir William:
Huh...I await the pictures, Sir Wolf!  Teaser.  lol

Sir Wolf:
ahhhhh just had a deal for metal armour fall in my lap. gotta be an extra special boy to see if the wife lets me get it.

Sir William I will look like this when its done:


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