Main > The Armoury
Robin Hood Sword on sale - $145
Sir William:
This is the cheapest I've seen it...anyone have any practical experience with this sword?
Sir Edward:
I haven't handled it, but I'd guess that the construction is typical for a Windlass piece. My overall impression of them is that you get what you pay for, but they're OK for the price. I just wouldn't use it for cutting practice. :)
Sir William:
Really? Why not? Of the Windlasses I've handled, they were able cutters- but I did hate the screw-on pommel construction of the earlier models. Perhaps their one real downfall. This one's supposed to be peened though, unless I'm mistaken.
Sir Edward:
Well they're probably OK for cutting, but I think it's more of a case-by-case basis. Not all of their pieces have been solidly built. Whereas when you buy an Albion, you know it's going to hold up. :)
Sir William:
It better, at nearly ten times the price! I haven't bought a Windlass in quite some time...think I've graduated to finer pieces but you know, every now and again they have something that I think I want. I'm pretty good at talking myself out of that sort of thing. Usually.
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