Main > The Armoury

Just joined the "14th Century Mafia", apparently I'm quite sick...

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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Well done, that`s a really nice kit.

Sir James A:
Oh, sweet, twisted irony.

The box comes tomorrow. And I got an email after I got back from Longpoint last night. The armorer who "borrowed" my money for 5 months and was giving me a refund for the last month, rather than refund me, shipped a package - my gorget and a "rebate" of 1/4 of the amount paid. He said that he is going to work all weekend and see if he can ship the cuirass by Tuesday.

So the kit that I bought with the refund I had been told I could have for a month is arriving. And the refund, well, that isn't arriving. Hopefully the cuirass will though.

Good thing I have a stash of Ramen noodles. And I could stand to lose a few, umm, 25 pounds. :)

Sir Brian:
That indeed is bitter-sweet. Lots of armor on the way but you'll lack the strength due to starvation to actually wear it!  :D

I suppose congratulations & condolences are in order?  ;)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-01-24, 13:48:16 ---I suppose congratulations & condolences are in order?  ;)
--- End quote ---

That is an excellent way to say it. :D

Sir William:
Ramen noodles are the breakfast of knights-errant, did you not know?  Sounds like a bind all of us would like to be in!  ;)


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