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Knightriders quote

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Sir William:
LOL @ pretend

Just because he took it upon himself to pretend to be a knight doesn't mean others are following his example.  If anything, I'm pretending to be a Fed when in fact, I'm just a knight forced to masquerade as the working class to afford my accoutrements- since I have no overlord who sees eye to eye w/me regarding my passions.  But they do pay the bills so...

I'm just glad you guys didn't take the bait and ream this guy out- sounds like he needs it but it is much more potent when it occurs during some form of self-discovery.  It sounds like as things started to wind down, he was slowly coming to a conclusion that the ultimate problem lies within him.

Sir Brian:
Crap! Ninja'd TWICE!  :D

Ah yes I did find that FB post and WOW!

What good is scholastic knowledge if it isn’t tempered with wisdom? What is wisdom worth if it is without compassion?

I don’t know if Drew’s credentials are valid or not and frankly I don’t care because by his conduct he has forfeited any claims of validity to his credentials IMO. As far as I’m concerned he is a broken mechanical monkey that I have neither the patience nor inclination to even ponder the root cause(s) of his obviously numerous societal malfunctions.

There is absolutely no excuse for being discourteous, the height of which I consider to be disrespectful of another person’s beliefs or ideals. You can disagree as much as you like but never should one descend to blatant disparagement. The old adage of “If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all” comes to mind.

I become instantly suspicious of any mook that is so quick to dispense their résumé. In fact I found most of his posts and rebuttals to be nothing more than the sarcastic, patronizing rants of a progressive elitist.

I would recommend you not only de-friend him Sir Edward but also delete his comments so his sanctimonious bile doesn’t spread. - Oops! Nevermind you all ready did that!  ;)

One of my golden rules:
I will not state any disparaging remarks unless I am prepared to shed blood over it, whether it is my blood or the blood of the one I am in contention with.

And definitely agree our younger knightly brethren accounted for themselves very well!  :)

Sir Edward:
I received a private message from him the next day after I de-friended him. He was trying to clarify his position and say that intent and tone get lost in the text sometimes. The thing is, he was still trying to say he thinks these guys need to step back and realize where the line is between reality and fanciful romanticism. I think we got that from the main thread. :)

Anyway, I still haven't replied. I still found the whole thing very disrespectful.

Sir Brian:
That’s all well and good but there is still the fact that it isn’t his place, right or responsibility to admonish, advise, or as you said disrespect anyone else’s beliefs. Let him rot. Left-handed apologies are worse than no apologies at all IMO.  >:(

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-01-19, 21:26:40 ---
I still found the whole thing very disrespectful.

--- End quote ---

It was; I didn't need to read that entire thread to pick up on that.  Here's the thing, for me- words have meaning, and you know them when you use them.  Saying things like knighthood and chivalry are silly, or those that aspire to such are just pretenders- forget tone, these words were meant to be incendiary.  He meant for it to be taken as such...but now that you've de-friended him and no one's got time or inclination to talk to him, he knows he went too far- he just wants it all to go away so he can have his friends back.

Not necessarily the thought processes of a healthy, well-adjusted human being.


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