Main > The Armoury

Gambeson Quest.

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Sir Ulrich:
So my chest size is only 32 inches. While being 34 sized over a gambeson. Guess it was a right thing to do to buy medium sized mail and the smaller size gambeson. Last thing I want is my clothing to be too big and baggy for me like my old outfit:

Sir Edward:

The good news about getting it a little loose is that you have some room to grow. I started out as a really scrawny teen. I'm glad I sized my armor after my metabolism changed... heh :)

Sir Wolf:
sir ulrich.

put your stuff on inside out and have someone help you gather and pin the seems until the garment fits you. then sew it up and cut off the excess

Sir Ulrich:
Never thought about that before. Think I'm going to do that with my surcoat so I got one that actually fits me.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-12-30, 14:43:45 ---i often hesitate on ordering over seas. dunno why but i still do.
my arming jacket has padding in the chest, back and shoulders. i need to make a aketon so as to use for earlier time periods than 15thc.

--- End quote ---

Well that is a sound precaution Sir Wolf and my ongoing experience with Steel-Mastery proves it out.  :(

On February 12th I couldn’t resist one of their “In Stock” gambesons. It was their standard gambeson but made with red brocade silk in the right size and a roughly 30% off their regular price. Now an in stock should be a fairly quick and easy transaction but no. They received their payment via paypal nearly instantaneous and I didn’t hear anything from them until I sent my first inquiry on March 3rd. I received almost an immediate response that they would need a couple of days to get me the tracking number of my shipment. – Huh? I thought it was “IN STOCK”. I gave them a week and sent another inquiry…their response came the next day asking for a couple more days. – Obviously stalling now. I gave it another week and sent a more terse inquiry. Again their reply came the next day stating that the merchandise was in the post office and they would send me a tracking number tomorrow morning. – So that remains to be seen.   :-\

I do know if I don’t have the merchandise or shipment verification within a week I’ll be contacting pay pal and disputing the transaction. Kind of sucks because you don’t always get back all of it but something is better than nothing. The real shame is they have some really great looking stuff.   :(


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