Main > The Armoury

Start of my late 15th cent Man-at-arms kit

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Hello everybody, I'd like to introduce the start of my late 15th century man-at-arms kit.
Arms, and a tabard will be added soon. Already posses cuirass and sallet.                     And everyone knows you need to hold a weapon when in period attire.

Some more

Sir Wolf:
how is your soft kit? hehe
you should come play with us

Sir Brian:
Looks great! Can't wait to see it all together! Well done! :)

Thank you for the kind words, Sir Brian.  :)
And Sir Wolf, as far as the soft kit is coming, I still need
Undershirt, braies, normal doublet, and some kind of coat to go over it. Also a nice hat would be in order....
And when I finally get everything together, I'll make sure to bug the proud soldiers of Lord Grey's retinue  ;)
(BTW, also need rondel dagger for that softkit)


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