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WikiLeaks: Heroes or Villains?

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Sir James A:
Someone on another forum I frequent posted this. I'm reposting it because I feel it's a GREAT summary that goes beyond anything I could try to cobble together on why classified information about military and government actions should not be public:

--- Quote ---Have you ever heard of Operation Bodyguard? Probably not straight off the top of your head without going to Google. Operation Bodyguard was meant to confuse German forces by thinking that the Allies were going to land at Pas la Calais. Leading this "invasion" would be British General McNair and American General Patton. The planning and implementation of this took months, and more than a few people died just setting it up. This diverted enough of the Germans that it made success at Normandy a possibility. Notice I didn't say that it was a sure thing.

Now, would you be surprised to know that there were several leaks that put the whole thing into jeopardy? You say that American citizens have a right to know everything the government is doing. Knowing the far more terrible toll that the allies would have suffered if the full force had been at Normandy can you still think you have a right to know everything?

Even if it causes chaos? Can you still say that?
--- End quote ---

Another great point was made over a number of posts, which I'll try to paraphrase.

Not only has Assange considered himself and his minions above the law in every single way, AND stated that the rape charges against him are "a favor to the US" ... he's ignored the fact that the charges were brought against him BEFORE Wikileaks was public, and are being pursued with more vigor due to the additional threat he is. So, apparently, everyone else in the world should be 100% transparent, yet, he is above and beyond any legal or moral reproach, and should be granted asylum and protection.

Sir Brian:
If this administration does not pursue Julian Assange for violations of the Espionage Act then they will send a clear message to what few allies we have left and our growing number of enemies that this nation is in its death throes.

I was watching Fox news last night and they were discussing that Assange should be covered under the freedom of the press which totally pissed me off how the media never really stands up to condemn their own even when they are a fringe and rogue outlet like WikiLeaks when they are clearly in violation of disseminating classified information which is exempt from the first amendment. – Not to mention the first amendment is applicable to American citizens and not globally adhered to.

I also love how the media is lamenting about the treatment of PFC Bradley Manning and the conditions in which he is being detained.
1.)   This isn’t some posh civilian situation or criminal investigation. This is under the UCMJ and your rights are far more restricted. – Which PFC Manning volunteered to serve by!
2.)   The conditions that perfidious little a-hole is being kept in is far better than spending months deployed out in the field and he at least has a dry, reasonably warm and safe place to sleep. Three hot meals a day and he can probably take a crap on a real commode instead of digging a cat hole and hoping you don’t get bitten or stung by something nasty while squatting.

He should be court marshaled for treason during wartime and executed by hanging or shot by firing squad.
His betrayal although not dealing with ongoing military operations was far more damaging to the US foreign policy efforts and poses as a very serious threat to American lives, his fellow soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines because essentially ALL wars are a result of failed diplomacy and the game of diplomacy is tough enough without some sanctimonious pieces of crap showing all the other players in the game what cards you are holding!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-12-17, 15:01:25 ---I was watching Fox news last night and they were discussing that Assange should be covered under the freedom of the press which totally pissed me off how the media never really stands up to condemn their own even when they are a fringe and rogue outlet like WikiLeaks when they are clearly in violation of disseminating classified information which is exempt from the first amendment. – Not to mention the first amendment is applicable to American citizens and not globally adhered to.
--- End quote ---

I saw this link pop up on another forum (, which seems to reflect upon how things are reported on Fox (which I don't personally watch, so I have no opinion). However, if they're saying that publication of stolen classified documents counts as freedom of press, then whoever is doing their "fact checking" needs to be replaced.

It's very much espionage as Sir Brian says, and seems to be setting a precedent for 21st century style espionage ... steal and publicly distribute. Even if Assange was a US citizen, rights can be forfeited based upon actions; just as the right to remain silent is waived by speaking, the right to freedom of speech should be waived if it involves publicly distributing stolen classified material.

And there is a whole other set of rules that apply to be tried in a civilian court of law vs a martial court of law. Martial court doesn't grant a lot of the rights that a civil court does. I HOPE they end up in martial court, assuming that they aren't somehow killed by someone before making it to court.

IMO, I think we should send him to the cold steel company testing area. That'll teach 'em!  8) :D

Sir William:
Since when is Julian Assange part of the press?  Because he owns a website that dispenses illegally obtained classified information?  Hardly what I'd call a newsman.


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