Main > The Armoury

Gambeson Questions

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Sir Patrick:
Sir Wolf, do you have any pics?  What pattern did you use, or did you just make it up?  Any mobility issues with the arms?

Sir Wolf:

much later than you want but same idea. this is my arming jacket and would make my gambeson the same way just longer (and a tad bigger in the tummy) although now it may fit again.

i used my doublet pattern I have. and put gussets in the arm pits, this is key along with insetting the arm properly to allow the fabric to move.

Sir Patrick:

Sir William:
I just got a sudden urge to watch Robin Hood: Men in Tights!  :)

All kidding aside, I think its pretty awesome you made your own arming coat, Sir Wolf.  Your friend...he make his?

Sir Wolf:
naa i can't take credit for it, my mom made it. i did some of the quilting. i am unsure who made Jeff's, he or Gwen from Historic Enterprises did.


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