Main > The Armoury

Armor for SwordChick

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Sir Edward:

Quite true. I think my concern (and I suspect Pamela's as well) is how sharp/narrow of a surface this example has at the center of the sternum. Sport fencing chest-protectors tend to have a wider flat area in the center, if I recall correctly, and they're not intended for taking heavy percussive blows.

Are there historical examples that are so... ahem.. anatomically endowed?

Sword Chick:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2008-07-23, 19:43:42 ---
Quite true. I think my concern (and I suspect Pamela's as well) is how sharp/narrow of a surface this example has at the center of the sternum.

--- End quote ---

Exactly.  I was being silly, but my question was serious.  I think a more traditional breastplate would provide better protection and, honestly, would be more comfortable to wear.

As a point of reference, I wear a "male" sport fencing chest protector for rapier fencing.  I wear it more for comfort though.  It fits me better.  (Insert joke here, but I'll be the first to point out that a 38D I'm not.)

Sword Chick:
So what do you think?  The descriptions are slightly different, but to my untrained eye the photos look like the same legs.

The new listing

The previous listing

Do I try again?  And I wonder what happened to the greaves if they are the same.  Certainly neither picture matches the legs that were actually sent to me the first time. 

Sir Wolf:
i dunno, they dont look too off from the ones you got.  i would say stay clear of these imho.

Sir Wolf:
hmmmm since your looking for legs, heres some links


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