Main > The Armoury

i know its suade but it's still pretty

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Sir Wolf:  kinda pricey but nice looking

Sir William:
I like the helmets from the movie...considering picking up the Marshal one.  I just wonder what 'metal' they are made of; when they don't specify I usually think its crap.

Sir Brian:
Yeah usually but sometimes they are adequate for renfaire garb. I met a knight at the 2009 NYRF who claimed his helm was one of the actual props used on the movie timeline that was worn by the Sir William De Kere / William Decker character. It certainly looked like the helm. Sorry for the lame sample picture but there isn’t many picts out there for that movie’s secondary characters. ;)

Sir James A:
I wonder if you could find it somewhere else for cheaper? That does seem pricey for a tunic. I'm leaning towards picking up or putting the Robert de Sable tunic on my holiday list. (

Sir William:
I like the de Sable tunic too, seeing as you can't get a KoH one anymore.  The red cross on mine bled one Faire season and the dry cleaner only made it worse.


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