Main > The Round Table

Discussion: Valor

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Sir William:
Well said, all of you.  Sir Brian, that is an apt quote.  Sir James, all states should adopt the Castle is true, there will be those who take it to the next level but I think that if criminals are aware that the average Joe Citizen is allowed to protect his household by any means necessary, there would be less home invasions.  Criminals are very aware of how the law works- their entire existence depends on them circumventing said laws so only the dumb ones have no clue.

Thankfully, there seems to be a lot of the latter variety.

Yeah! Go WV! Knightly virtues FTW!

But personally, I agree w/ Sir Ed.
Whenever you do anything, you take a risk. When playing chess, you risk pieces. In business you risk money. When playing sports, you risk injury. Whenever you try to force someone to do anything w/ or even with the threat of lethal force, you risk your life. When you put someones life on the line, you are standing right beside him.


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