Main > The Armoury

Pain In the Neck!

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Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-01, 10:06:42 ---any pics? hehehe.
--- End quote ---

Here's one.  This kit is in the VERY early stages, and obviously needs A LOT of work (like the right footwear, or some maille!).  I'm really just in the "soft kit" stage right now (BTW that surcoat is way old, and just being used as a placeholder at the moment).

Sir Wolf:
thats a small picture! hehehe

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-11-01, 23:37:16 ---thats a small picture! hehehe

--- End quote ---

That's ok, there's not much to see! ;D

EDIT:  I resized the pic so it's easier to see.

Sir Matthew:
Kit looks like it is off to a nice start. I know that when I first started wearing the maille coif and kettle helm, I had a sore neck for a while. Once I got used to the weight though, it didn't bother me at all. One of the guys at PaRF that I know had a different experience though. He wore his helmet, a burgonet, pretty much all the time during Faire and had a sore neck and shoulders afterwards. He attributed it to the weight of the helm and didn't think much of it. His wife mentioned it to the doctor when he went for a checkup and the doctor examined him and told him the helmet was causing one of the nerves in his neck to be pinched which was causing the pain. He's now only supposed to wear the helmet for demos and for short periods during the day, not that he really listens to that all that much. He is a pikeman after all  ;)

Sir Patrick:
I'm pleased to report my neck feels pretty good today, so hopefully I avoided a pinched nerve!  Thanks for the kind words about the kit, madmanpsu :)


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