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Discussion: Honor

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What are y'all's thoughts on this?

Honor, Dueling, and Drengskapr in the Viking Age.

Sir Martyn:
Nice find, Thorsteinn.  Strikes me how how much the Vikings put with will to surrender self to luck and fate in the mix with "honorable" behavior.

Glad to see see this excellent topic still has legs.

Lord Chagatai:'s what makes us who we are...without it the world be worse than it is and we would fall to whatever evil or dishonorable person comes and studying the Asian culture it is one of the things I hold dearly and close to my heart and I base my individual code of chivalry around it.

So much to say on this subject. So much has been said already. Some of it truly astonishing.

I find in my own life, the description of what is honorable changes. I prefer to believe that what is honorable is as variable as humans and the circumstances they find themselves in. And that's not a bad thing. Because there can be no honor in humanity so long as the rules of honor are absolute. If you can think of any immutable law of honor, I can think of at least one exception to it. There is no single precise, succinct definition of honor that is true for all humans in all circumstances.  Cultures, religions and governments can have their own definitions, as individuals can, but only a man himself can say what is honorable in the situations he finds himself in. Perhaps even the act of contemplating what is the honorable choice is enough to make one so in today's world. Also, those with like definitions will naturally cleave together but differences between people's sense of honor should, in general, be embraced not persecuted. (in general)

“Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.”
― Matsuo Bashō, poet.


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