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Discussion: Honor

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: B. Patricius on 2013-07-02, 00:42:51 ---In response to your reply, Grand Master Garland.  In all orders of the Faith, regardless be they secular or lay, isn't it "one must be penitent before God?"  Because I know in my Order it is.

B. Patricius

--- End quote ---

Me thinks someone has been watching re-runs of "Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade".  :P

B. Patricius:

not going to lie Lord Dane, as I wrote that, I pictured Joe Metz's picture in his Templar garb kneeling on that book of faces! :D

Brother Patricius;

I would like to offer my compliments on this comment made by you in a recent post:  "I can't help but remember how you said it would be a hard time talking about Chivalry without talking about Catholicism and its place within it.  As a Catholic, I understand where you're coming from.  As an Anthropologist, I can't agree with it.  Honor codes don't have to coincide with Religion, with a capital R because all too often those people we are meant to respect as the protectors of our faith are committing some of the worst atrocities that can be made."

As a person who is both a non Christian and and of Native American extraction I must say that this statement struck me as very well put. I was raised in a traditional way and learned the warrior path from a very young age. I have always had a code of ethics and a healthy sense of morality. Knights and their adventures were something that attracted me very early on and they had a profound effect on how I progressed as I grew older.
Honor is a very important thing to me and to many others like me who are not necessarily of the Christian faiths. I think that living in a chivalrous, gentlemanly and respectable way is a matter of the heart of a man, not particularly his brand of religious belief. There have been and still are many great fellows who I have known - of numerous different faiths - who have been an inspiration as a result of their hale behavior and deeds.

Honor and a code of chivalrous living is what drew me to this forum and to the company of all you hale gentlemen in the first place. I am a deeply spiritual person and I feel that the Creator has always guided me to be the best person I can be.

So thank you for your words. Muchly appreciated indeed. 

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Grand Master Garland on 2013-06-30, 00:28:41 ---Is my decison 30 years ago not to become a "federal mercenary" a cause for you all to personalize the term?  Don't confuse my experiences with your own. 
--- End quote ---

Your decision so, of course not.  However, your choice of words-

--- Quote ---It didn't take long to determine that an honorable life would be difficult to live as a federal mercenary and therefore chose a different path.
--- End quote ---

-has obviously struck a chord.  There's no personal qualifiers there- it simply says that an honorable life would be difficult to live...the implication being not just for you, but for anyone who has served, is still serving or will serve in the future.  I get that this is just your experience and no one else's- it just doesn't read that way.

If I've never said it before, I am grateful to all who have served or are currently serving their country- whether or not they feel such service honorable, they've performed it and for that, I thank them.

Well said!


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