Main > The Armoury

hafting the pole axe

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Sir Ulrich:
I want a halberd exactly like this one

Very deadly and intimidating looking. Shame they stopped selling it  >:(

Sir Wolf:

neither one r attached yet. i wanted to show the size difference in the 2 hafts

Sir Patrick:
Nice harness, Sir Wolf!  Starting to get jealous now...

Sir Wolf:
thanks. it was my wedding harness all but the sallet and bevor.  its a mixed bag though to look at it now. then i didn't know the difference. now i see early 15thc arms n legs, late 15thc curaiss, 16thc pauldrons hehehe. plus it's all stainless steel 16 guage. but it works :) I probably can get it on again! maybe I will try hmmmmmmmmmm

Sir William:
Still, a great look harness man!  I'd like that long one for ground fighting and the shorter one for horseback.  Nice stuff, man.


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