Main > The Armoury
hafting the pole axe
Sir Wolf:
newest projects. I've got 2 pole axes that i have yet hafted. the first will be a tall one and the later a short one. i have to sand the haft, make a rondel, linseed oil the half and attach it together. got to do the same for the shorter one as well.
Sir Patrick:
Very cool, Sir Wolf! Not only am I coveting that axe, but those hammers in the background as well!
Sir Wolf:
ya right i know its the lovely twin doll horse... it came into my shop tonight to have major leg attachment surgery. i told my daughter it was time for the glue factory... she just wanted the glue
Sir William:
Poleaxe...not only does it sound cool but it is eminently bad ass. I'm coveting your workspace, Sir Wolf...
Sir Edward:
And it's a very knightly weapon as well. As plate armor become more complete, they tended to favor the poleaxe over swords. I really need to get mine hafted too. I have a haft and a bench grinder. I should get to work on it.
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