Main > The Armoury

14thc kit for sale on the AA

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Sir William:
Oh SURE, of course I WANT IT!!!  Who doesn't want a full plate kit?  I'm safe though, because I don't have $1000 layin around to spend that I would NOT get beat up over!!!  lol

Sir Wolf:
credit cards do allow for cash advances ;)  hehehehe (ducks and covers!)

Sir William:'d better duck cuz the Missus isn't hearing it!  It'd be great if I didn't have to pay it back.  lol

Sir Ancelyn:
Just raise the rents on your peasants to increase your income stream.  You might also want to ensure they neither rise up in arms against you or flee to a neighboring manor. :-D

Sir William:
EXACTLY...either of which would mean I would no longer be able to equip myself ably...if that makes sense.  You know what I find interesting?  The entire feudal system...I mean they got the entire populace to go along with lifelong (if they were lucky) indentured servitude- so that the nobility could continue playing their reindeer games at the commoners' expense.

Guess you can't help what you're born into, for the average person...

Talk about going on a tangent.  LOL  I was thinking about feudalism as I re-read The Greatest Knight...I mean, think about it.  You're farming your land peacably, you pay your rents on time and all that and all of a sudden you're informed you have a new lord and he's gonna come around and inspect his holdings that you farm and you'll be paying him instead and whether or not he's a tyrant or sycophant it is your lot to deal with it. 

I'm not sure we're living all that much better...yes, we have more material goods, and while we may not live in fear of death by fire and sword (we meaning those of us who don't live in 3rd world countries and/or the Middle East) we do live in a constant state of fear....of nuclear disaster/war/WMoDs, contagion, the unknown, other races...I no longer watch the news regularly because it is those same media outlets who feed that fear.

Sorry for the threadjack, knights.


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