Main > The Armoury
Sir Gerard de Rodes:
I can vouch for G.D.F.B. footware as I have had their ankle boots, when I used to do your period Paladin, and now I wear their calf length boots. They are very good quality and made well enough to be comfortable. Their prices aren`t too unreasonable either.
Sir Wolf:
i had another blow out at this years faire. guess I need to push them wrong side out and restitch them.
Sir Edward, when you come up next bring your boots and I will fix them. either by re gluing and hob nailing them or stitching them somehow.
Sir Brian:
Just remember to take them off before he nails them! :D
Sir Wolf:
hahaahhaha. ya. true dat :P
Sir William:
Thanks for all the links, knights...guess I DO need a pair of ankle boots after all, eh?
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