Main > The Round Table

Rules of Heraldry

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Sir Edward:

Yeah, I think they will probably still want some documentation of precedent that the name existed in period. It could be anything historical, probably, like a census from back in the day, or whatever. Basically they look for a book reference with title and page number.

Sir William:
Huh...that might actually be cooler than a made-up name.  I'll look into it- thanks for the info, Sir Edward.

Sir Edward:

BTW, it's just for historical believability. That is, you can make up the name as a whole, but each name within it has to be real. I went with "Edward Bonagarde" which is not a historical person, but "edward" and "bonagarde" are documented names.

Sir William:
Oooohhhh...I get it now.  Even there were a lot less people then than there are now, might be two such-and-such's walkin around w/identical names.  Not unheard of, I know. 

Sir Wolf:
lucky me. Charles is period and Russell is period so i get to keep my name ;)


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