Main > The Armoury

Your Ultimate Kit

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Sir Edward:

Yes, I heard that in one of the museums they had, for a time, confused some of his work as being historic originals, eventually straightening it out later. That says something. :)

Sir William:
Indeed it does; he makes some truly jaw-dropping stuff, just from the pics I could see.  After perusing some of the armor links on this site (talk about a treasure trove) I think, in lieu of Mr. Schmid, who is probably incredibly backlogged, I'd go with a welded hauberk and integral coif from Welded Chainmail (since I know better, it doesn't feel right typing that but there you have it), Mac for the plate parts, at least some of them.  Seen some really nice helms at Armour and Castings...I looked at them all but forgot to grab pics of everything so...guess I'll just have to go thru it all again!

Not like that'd be a bad thing.

Sir Ulrich:
I'd get a riveted mail hauberk made of flat rings and alternating solid rings made out of wrought iron along with a coif of the same style that has a chin and lower face guard. It would be blackened to give more of a dark look. I'd add a Wisby coat of plates type 1 to go over it, most likely covered with dark brown leather almost black. I'd have elbow and knee cops as well as as Wisby gauntlets. I'd get splinted bracers along with splinted greaves to protect my arms and legs. Helmet i'd want would be a black painted kettle helm of the 1200s design so it would look a bit outdated but still useful. Weapons I'd have would be an old Norman sword with brazil nut pommell and a curved crossguard. I'd also have a Danish axe along with a larger than average heater shield with my coat of arms on it. To protect my mail from the rain  I'd have a black cloak with a red cross on it.

Sir James A:
I'm very much a fan of this harness:

It has a set of full legs with sabatons as well. A good arming coat with voiders and mail skirt, and I'd be quite giddy.

Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---I especially like his Field and Tilt armor, in the style of Anton Peffenhauser; I would go with that, but I have to say, your buddy that crafts his own armor, I'd want something of his too.  His stuff was just wildly attractive to me.
--- End quote ---

He made that harness for Kelly Bailey,owner of Warhorse Production jousting troupe. They've done the show at The Sterling Renaissance Faire near here for years. I had the privilage of doing some maintenance work on parts of this harness for Kelly when we still had a booth at faire and it is a REALLY nice suit.

" Yes, I heard that in one of the museums they had, for a time, confused some of his work as being historic originals, eventually straightening it out later. That says something. "

That was The Met. The harness was a week from going onto the floor before the makers mark was ID'ed. They now keep all three of Mac's marks through the years on file.

" for those that don't know Mac is the worlds leading armourer. "

Even Mac admits that Billy Rayford in the UK is the man. Billy had a piece sold by Hermann Historica Auction House a while back

Last I had heard Mac wasn't doing as much armour, he was dabbling in all sorts of things like restoring 16th century clocks and wheelock mechanisms.


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