Main > The Armoury

Your Ultimate Kit

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Sir William:
Wish I could access FB...I know there's armor porn just waiting! 

Sir Wolf:
wow that is nice. really nice.

great work as usual allen

Sir James A:
Mac = Robert MacPherson in case someone wants to google him :)

There's an AA post about how Mac had done some armor for a museum, and that they got his stuff mixed up with the actual historic pieces, and were only able to sort it out after they found out that Mac had used a few different armorers marks (the one on the piece in question wasn't his current mark). They keep a file with his different marks to prevent that now.

Toby Capwell's harness has been sold at least once, possibly twice. Everyone usually calls it the Capwell harness since it was originally made for him.

I'll see if I can post some of the facebook pics here later this weekend, if they don't look like they're meant to be private.

Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---There's an AA post about how Mac had done some armor for a museum, and that they got his stuff mixed up with the actual historic pieces, and were only able to sort it out after they found out that Mac had used a few different armorers marks (the one on the piece in question wasn't his current mark). They keep a file with his different marks to prevent that now.

--- End quote ---

Mentioned this earlier, it was The Met Jim.

Lord Dane:
I am happy with my total kits. I have 4 different looks I use & I pick n piece my armor parts to match my look with the function it is meant to serve (combat, historical, SCA, etc). Have one for 14th century jousting attire, 2 for 12-13th century Crusader (depending on character), Sovereign Lord (SCA Persona), and/or 12th-13th century kit for English Longbowman/Archer or Ranger. Can't improve them other than having better plate armor & I don't want to extend my kit into the 15th or 16th century Renaissance era. Like the Crusader era & not much for the Dark ages.


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