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MTA pictures


Sir Wolf:

hey look theres me... on the ground...  stupid WMA hehehe

Das Bill:
Man, I've been intending to go to this and have consistently missed it for eight years straight. No kidding. Every year I either 1) don't find out about it until the weekend is over, 2) have something important come up at the last second, or 3) have a conflicting interest. This past weekend was the Baltimore Antique Arms show, and as much as I would have loved to go to MTA, I never turn down the chance to handle antiques... particularly several dozens of them.

Anyway, nice pics. You guys have some great looking kit!

Sir Brian:
Cool picts! Thanks for posting them! Looks like a lot of fun! Some really great
looking kits!

Sir Wolf:
you guys will have to come to MTT this year then. its around DC! and in a few weeks if you want more specifics i can get them for u.!!!


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