Main > The Round Table

Another modern code of chivalry

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-10-13, 02:11:00 ---
--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-12, 20:35:08 ---A true Knight must so order his life that by his contribution the people of the world may hope to live together in greater Peace And Tolerance.

--- End quote ---

Without chivalry, it's all just dress-up.

--- End quote ---

Agreed; seeing as we all adhere to our own code of chivalry, it certainly applies to the likes of us I'd think.  Its dressup for the playtrons, part of life for us.

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote ---Too true. But it's really COOL dress-up. Dress-up for guys.
--- End quote ---

Totally agree with you there, Sir Edward.  It was the kits that got me interested in this in the first place.  I was merely pointing out the kit does not necessarily make the knight ;)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2010-10-14, 12:24:43 ---
--- Quote ---Too true. But it's really COOL dress-up. Dress-up for guys.
--- End quote ---

Totally agree with you there, Sir Edward.  It was the kits that got me interested in this in the first place.  I was merely pointing out the kit does not necessarily make the knight ;)

--- End quote ---

Very true on both accounts! Yet the old adage of “The clothes makes the man” comes to mind, for which I’ve always construed as the garnish sometimes compelling enough to bring out what is the innermost truth.  ;)

Sir Edward:

Yep, I'm in full agreement! In fact, it's my wish that everyone who gets into kitting up as a knight should take it seriously enough to be honorable men. It would be very disappointing to hear of a kid going to the renfaire, hoping to meet a knight, only to be shrugged off by some inconsiderate jerk in fine armor. I'd want that fellow to remove his armor so I could give him a proper thrashing. :)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---I'd want that fellow to remove his armor so I could give him a proper thrashing.
--- End quote ---

NO! Let him leave the armor on! After all Sir Edward that would be a waste of the perfect opportunity to try out a nice war hammer, mace or that particularly nasty Morningstar you have!  ;)


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