Main > The Round Table

My New COA

<< < (17/18) > >>

Sir Patrick:
Of course I have to vote for the red one! ;)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Of course I have to vote for the red one! Wink
--- End quote ---

That has made my morning! lol!

Anyway, thank you everyone for your thoughts and ideas.  Here is the updated COA with the Sword Argent.

"Gules, Sword Argent in between two Lions combatant Or."

Sir Edward:

That looks pretty good too. Another option is to make it a "sword proper" which would have an argent blade, but the hilt would be more natural colors.

Joshua Santana:
Here is the same COA with a "sword proper"

I tried making the handle a brown color but I figured that a gold handle would look classic!

Sir Brian:
Yep I think you've got a winner there! :)


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