Main > The Armoury

Wisby guantlets

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Sir Brian:
Sweet! They are some real beauties!  :)

Allan Senefelder:
The stiching on these is excellent! Ed is he going to install gloves for the buyer?

Sir Edward:

That's one of the questions I asked. I'll let you all know when he replies. :)

Sir William:
That'd be good to know...although I imagine you could just toss on a pair if necessary?

Sir Edward:

OK, here's his response and a couple pictures he included:

--- Quote ---Hi Ed,

I make fully gloved version. I can buy some leather gloves and sew them in the gauntlets or You can send me here to my home your gloves and I would install them.

Yes, black leather is available. I attach some pictures with black leather gauntlets.

The dimensions such as width, length, size, circumferences of the cuffs, length of the straps etc depend on You because I make every element of those gauntlets.

How wide would You like to be the cuff and how long ?

All the best,

--- End quote ---



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