Main > The Round Table

The Modern Knight

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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
To lead a chivalrous lifestyle and to live to these sorts of ideals is becoming harder and harder as the centuries pass us by. It is heart warming to know that these standards are still appreciated and understood in this modern society. Nice find Ed.

Sir Wolf:
i find it that the older i get the easier it gets. to try anyways. when i was younger i was more rash, quick tempered etc..  now things are starting to slow down so i see the big picture

Sir Patrick:
I posted earlier those were words to live by, but have found some days they are not necessarily words I can easily live with.  Like Sir Wolf, I've found I've mellowed with time, which makes it easier, but as Sir Gerard de Rodes pointed out, it's tough in this day and age to live up to the ideal.  It's easy to feel chivalrous when you're armoured up, not so easy at the office ;).  I've been thinking, this topic is about the "modern knight" and how he/she struggles against the pressures of today's society, and I have to I ask:  Are the social pressures we face as "modern knights" all that different (when adjusted over time) from those our medieval predecessors had to deal with?  To live up to the chivalric ideal has always been (and probably always will be) difficult, so is the society we live in truely a hinderance to achieving that goal, or merely an excuse for falling short?   

Sir Edward:

The more I come to understand about the past, the more I'm convinced that people really weren't all that different in previous centuries. The culture changes, of course, but human nature is much more constant. People struggled with the same kinds of fears, hopes, dreams, and problems, ignoring of course the cultural and technological differences. Crime, greed, and self-serving behavior have always been present. But at the core of it, in every culture there has always been other pressures on one's behavior, to behave in a socially respectable manner that is more honest and true.

Sir Brian:
I would say this man is a modern knight!


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