Main > The Round Table

The Modern Knight

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2010-10-06, 15:24:17 ---I would say this man is a modern knight!

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Wow, that's awesome. I wish guys like this would be given medals.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-01, 20:08:15 ---i find it that the older i get the easier it gets. to try anyways. when i was younger i was more rash, quick tempered etc..  now things are starting to slow down so i see the big picture

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Glad to see I'm not the only I've gotten older, more sensible, I can see the positive impact I make on the people around me, simply by the way I carry myself.  I still have a little of that brash, young, hotheaded upstart left in me, he just doesn't make nearly the clamor he used to.

Agreed @ Sir Edward...he was that girl's savior, what every knight should esteem to be- a savior of people from the evils that continually beset us all.


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