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Chivalry and sexuality issues.

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Christopher Warren on 2010-08-15, 07:26:08 ---
However, in the case of Captain Hopkins, I get the impression that he is not this sort of person and was in fact a true professional. These people I certainly have no problem with and have counted several as personal friends. Sexual preference is a private matter. If a person's private life does not interfere with a person's professional life then it should not be a case for that person's removal,
particularly in Captain Hopkins' case where it appears his only crime was being gay.
As Sir Edward pointed out it is very much like gender discrimination.

--- End quote ---

Capt. Hopkins' case truly is a travesty of an officer corps that is supposed to be the highest exemplary guardians of the military's honor when in stark reality it reflects how petty elitism has supplanted honor.  :(

I consider Capt. Hopkins to be far more honorable than most of the officers I've interacted with throughout the years.

Sir William:
I'm not an advocate for homosexuality or bisexuality- but I am in no position to judge them, either.  A person's sexual preference should have no bearing on their performance- be it in the workplace or the battlefield.  Of course, I find the flamboyant ones to be somewhat uncomfortable to be around simply because I don't understand it.  I do believe in everyone's right to the pursuit of their own individual happiness.

Sir Ulrich:
Gays who sleep with men and keep it to themselves are fine, but I absolutely cannot stand those in your face effeminate ones who literally go "look at me i'm gay and it's my lifestyle".

Sir William:
LMAO @ look at me i'm gay and it's my lifestyle



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