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Hand Gonne?

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Sir Wolf: sweet he has one in stock ooooooooooooooo

Sir Matthew:
I have a Hand Cannon made by a gy from New York that I bought at School of the Musketeer this year. It's considerably larger caliber than the two the Rifle Shoppe makes, just over an inch bore on the gun. It is much shorter in barrel length, at maybe 4 inches. Mine is more of an artillery piece where those are more musket-like. John does not recomend shooting shot out of my gun, due to the short barrel length and large bore size making it difficult to control where the shot goes. It is fun to shoot though, the max charge is about 150 grains, though 120 with a wad makes a nice bang. There is also a guy near Philadelphia that makes them, among other black powder guns, Dominick Carpenter (, I hear very good things about his guns but do not own one yet. I hear mixed reviews of Rifle Shoppe, just as a way of warning.  In any case, if you do get a hand-gonne, I'd be interested in hearing what you think of them. I enjoy mine and can't wait till my matchlock musket is finished, which should be sometime in October.

Sir Wolf:
john buck makes an awesome gonne too. i've got to see his stuff up close

Sir Matthew:
I was not aware he made gonnes. I emailed him for a rough idea of his prices and delivery times to pass on to some new people in a newly forming living history unit here, but he has not yet got back to me. Maybe I'll have to give him a call when I get a chance. I know a couple of the members are looking for muskets.

Sir Matthew:
I had my Gonne at PaRF today to get some questions answered on it. I now have an idea of what to use to replace the split ring holding the pin that secures the gonne to the tiller and a method to "age" the steel without permanently damaging it. The gonne got rave reviews. Too bad it is about 200 years earlier than the Faire is set.


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