Main > The Armoury

Ed's Mid 14th C. kit

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-06-06, 18:37:47 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-06-06, 17:43:47 ---That's pretty cool...does he list a source(s) for that info?

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It's all from historical effigies. I think he just looked at them and counted up how many were equipped with what.

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It's from Doug Strong, he lists his sources at the bottom of his main site. His info gathered for that page is VERY impressive. If I remember right, he also runs

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-06-07, 14:22:04 ---I've always been drawn to the bascinet with houndskull visor.  I don't know why, maybe because it just looks MEAN.

I believe the internet and forums such as this have had a profound impact on the advancement of SCA armours from all periods.  In the old days (my first armour photographs were taken with a Polaroid Instamatic camera) I was inspired by books, movies, people I met at SCA events and the local Ren Fair.  This was a rather limited pool for period correct historical inspiration and good information was slow to be disseminated.  With the advent of the internet and forums for people with specific interests, the trickle of good information has turned into a torrent of knowledge.  The younger members here can be very thankful that you didn't have to wait weeks for a book to arrive via inter-library loan.  ;)

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I've been around long enough to remember that. And the books I could get were the Eyewitness books, which had a scant 4-6 pages of very generic info, and a few basic pictures. Still, enough to make a high schooler aspire to have his own armor some day. Only slightly ahead of that was attempting to scour the internet for low resolution pictures or scans of armor at a *blazing* 14.4 kbps - all while hoping no one else in the house picks up the phone.

This is a great time for armor enthusiasts!

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-06-07, 23:16:05 ---This is a great time for armor enthusiasts!

--- End quote ---

Hear, hear!

It's funny, I wasn't all that excited about armor when I was younger. I was interested, but it was the swords that really captured my enthusiasm. But all of that turned around at the end of the 90's. Decent sources of armor were starting to appear, but not a lot. The riveted mail being cheap (relatively) and easily available is a prime example. Back then, you needed to make mail yourself or pay someone to do it, and it would generally be butted galvanized steel. The fact that titanium riveted mail is available now blows my mind.

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward ---great time for armor enthusiasts!

--- End quote ---
blows my mind.

keep your helmet on. less to clean up

Sir Edward:

Well, my GDFB breastplate and stainless riveted mail coif just got here.

I think in addition to removing the plackart and filling the holes with rivets, I may try to bend it a little too. It's still quite a bit wider than I am down at the base, and I think the shape of at the shoulder could be adjusted a little too. Not bad as a cheap solution.

Sir Wolf:
AWESOME!!! can't wait to play!! hehehe


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