Main > The Armoury

Ed's Mid 14th C. kit

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Sir Brian:

Here is a picture of Sir Edward and me @ 2007 MDRF when I wore armor for the first time compared to this past Sunday. Four years doesn't seem so long but there was a lot of changes since that first day. :)

Sir Jason Simonds:
One day I will get there. I do have this Breastplate and backpiece that was donated to me by Sir Edward that will be a great starter piece for me. First thing First i need to get it cleaned up. I think that Set may have to wait another season before it makes its first apearance.

Sir Edward:
Man, I love going back and looking at those pics from a few years ago. It's really cool to see how a kit evolves! Especially when the end result is as photogenic as Sir Brian's is.  ;)

Oh, and cool.. that second photo has me in the kit that this thread is for... so we're back on topic too. :)

EDIT: Yeah, my kit has come a long way since those "full moon" days too... :)

Sir Brian:
I think your 14th C. kit is really excellent! I can't wait to see it with your new surcoat and don't take this the wrong way but I like your legs!  ;) (except the side plates on the knee cops, I never cared for them when I had them) :-\

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Jason on 2011-06-01, 15:06:19 ---I wish I could even consider dropping a large sum of money for a good steel kit, but unfortunately at this time I am going to have to stick to my lighter stainless steel variety.

--- End quote ---

I can attest to that...I've spent the last five years cobbling together my kit...and I don't have anything left from the original set, except a butted steel coif that I still use from time to time.  For me, that was part of the fun of it...don't get me wrong, I felt pangs of envy every time I saw someone else post up about a new bit of armor or sword but as long as you work within your means, you'll do just fine.

At least that's what I tell myself, daily.  ;)


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