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Gary Gygax passed away


Sir Edward:

Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons & Dragons, has passed away.


Sir Edward:

Another article:


I've already seen comments in other places about him running out of hit points or failing to save vs death.

Sir Brian:
Truly sad. He was a brilliant game developer and a talented writer. His work helped mold me
into the person I am (not to mention AD&D kept me occupied and consequently out of some
serious trouble when I was a rowdy and rebellious teenager.)  ;)

Sir Edward:
I think entire generations of shy geeks had their lives improved by D&D, since it taught them how to be sociable and constructively creative. It would be very difficult to measure the impact he's had on people's lives.

I'll bet autographed copies of the D&D books are going to be worth a fortune very soon!

Sir Edward:

Today's xkcd comic is about this...




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