Main > The Round Table

the grail quest


Sir Wolf:

Sir Edward:

--- Quote ---Your looking for the grail? I have it. I think its in the laundry room. I use it to hold spare change so it doesn't rattle around in the washing machine.
--- End quote ---

lol... :)

Pretty good discussion. The Grail has become a pretty common and prominent symbol amongst various chivalrous groups, since it represents the level of perfection that is unattainable, but for which the quest, the journey itself, is all important and yields its own rewards. They're not really covering any new ground, but I'm glad to see a thoughtful discussion on it!

Sir William:
A good read loosely based on the subject is Bernard Cornwell's Grail Quest series; a trilogy of books, first one called Harlequin, second is Vagabond and last is Heretic.  They were written in such a way as to transport you right into the lives of these soldiers/archers, you could almost see and smell what they did.  After reading those (thanks to my wife who knows what I like to read), I got Azincourt and then went on to read the Troy trilogy, by Peter Gemmell.  All of these books are page turners, at least they were for me.


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