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Help fix boring Helm

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Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2010-10-13, 13:16:27 ---
Excellent! People don't give Paper Mache enough credit. It's remarkably versatile, and can be strong and lightweight.

--- End quote ---

I felt the same way at first (shudder as I think about grade school art projects), but then I stumbled upon this site and found out how versatile, and durable it can really be.  The trick to strength is avoiding voids in the skeleton, and using multiple layers of of paper mache.  Also, don't use newspaper, use drywaller joint tape instead.  MUCH sturdier.  FYI, if you spackle to get an even smoother finish, use VINYL spackel (flexes more than traditional).

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2010-10-13, 13:45:40 ---wanna make a lion head? heheheh jkjk

--- End quote ---

To do list:  Shield for paladin, lion head crest for Sir Wolf,...

Sir William:
Hey, that'll work, Red Knight!  And we'll pay!!!  Kudos on the use of papier mache...who would've thought?

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote ---Kudos on the use of papier mache...who would've thought?
--- End quote ---

I read somewhere (can't remember right now) that paper mache was one method used to build tournament crests in period.  That's what got me trolling the net for paper mache techniques in the first place.

Sir William:
Agreed; you seem to have channeled a previous ancestor maybe- the detail on your crest is clear, that it is done in papier mache is what's incredible, I never knew.  And I've used the stuff before...well, in art class.  lol

I always thought it was some dumb trick to keep us occupied!


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