Main > The Round Table

Historical Accuracy of a 14th plate gorget?

<< < (10/13) > >>

Well, if we're playing by MyArmoury rules, then we must also remember to ignore the effigies and change the dates on all your extant peices!  ;D

Sir James A:
Remember the first rule of myArmoury.

Don't talk about myArmoury. :D


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-03-07, 21:39:10 ---Remember the first rule of myArmoury.

Don't talk about myArmoury. :D

--- End quote ---


Sir Wolf:
you are all banned now, grow up.


Sir William:
LOL @ that

And they wonder why I won't give up any money to keep their site going; with SFI, they've gone gun-shy, with MyA they just decided it was their way.  That's it.


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