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Historical Accuracy of a 14th plate gorget?

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Sir Brian:
Stormdelver and Sir Blackwolf,

My apologizes good sirs for being so long in reading your replies…I’ve been away from this forum the past few weeks and heavily involved in the beta testing of a new PC game.

I appreciate your perspectives and especially this portion from Stormdelver:

--- Quote --- The point is- it could have been made, and the possibility of your segemented plate gorget being used somewhere in any given time is almost a certainty. Mybe you like the fit, maybe you like older ways, or maybe it was gained on a trip -an adnavement on what was avilible elsewhere. Maybe you had gotton or were nearly injured in the neck or seen many fellows cut down by a deflected blow this way, and decided you wanted to protect yourself. Armor tended to be a bit of personal preferences, a bit of wealth, a bit of experience, and a bit of happenstance.
--- End quote ---

When I was in the army we were allowed certain latitudes in our field equipment, I’m sure not as much as during wartime like the present, but nonetheless there were some overlooked liberties that would enhance our personal preferences for weapons and equipment. I am confident that this general inclination of all fighting men and women to equip themselves with whatever equipment and weapons gives them the confidence to accomplish their job is universal and timeless.  ;)

Sir William:
I wear what I wear because I like it and I look good in it- or so my wife tells me.  Either way, when I'm garbed up, I feel...different.  Harder to explain than I'm giving credit for, but its like a superhero putting on his costume; I feel stronger, smarter, rougher with a devil-may-care glint in the eye, and a ready hand on the pommel of my sword.  When I can wear one, that is.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-09-16, 16:44:10 ---I wear what I wear because I like it and I look good in it- or so my wife tells me.  Either way, when I'm garbed up, I feel...different.  Harder to explain than I'm giving credit for, but its like a superhero putting on his costume; I feel stronger, smarter, rougher with a devil-may-care glint in the eye, and a ready hand on the pommel of my sword.  When I can wear one, that is.

--- End quote ---

I think you'll find that most of us feel this way. :)

Sir Brian:
I’m glad this topic was resurrected so I could post this picture I’ve been meaning to take and post but haven’t until very recently. I wanted to demonstrate how difficult it is to see a gorget that is under a maille coif or aventail and therefore not well represented in the available medieval effigies or artwork.  :-\

Sir Wolf:
true, but there are still inventories out there and they aren't on them.


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