Main > The Round Table

Promotional video

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Sir Edward:

I'll save that and the Benny Hill music for the next one. :)

Sir Edward:

If anyone has any photos that would be good for this sort of thing that you'd like to pass my way, let me know. And also ideas for themes or general content. I'd love to have some attention grabbers like this on youtube, since I suspect there may be a lot of people out there who would have an interest in these things, but aren't aware of how to get started or who else they can share it with.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Pure self indulgence..........So I like it  ;) lol.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Here`s a little bit of fun, something that my partners cousin did for us at a pub near an event we attend. Be ready with the pause button for the written introductions.  ::)


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2009-10-21, 17:15:01 ---Pure self indulgence..........So I like it  ;) lol.

--- End quote ---

Well, not so much "self" indulgence as "forum" indulgence. :) The photos I had at my disposal were mostly off my own camera, or were posted here in some cases. A few of those photos go back 10 years. :)


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